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3. Next we should try to answer the unavoidable question, where in the G text does Capricorn begin? It ends with its tail stars Nashira and Deneb Algiedi:

Nashira - γ Capricorni Deneb Algiedi - δ Capricorni
Gb2-9 (*329) Gb2-10 (266) Gb2-11 (*331) Gb2-12
Nashira γ Capricorni 16º 53' S 21h 37m 329.0
Deneb Algiedi δ Capricorni 16º 21' S 21h 44m 330.8

Earlier I made a list of prominent stars from 21h up to Fomalhaut:

Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 29º 53' S 22h 55m 348.8
Skat δ Aquarii 16º 05' S 22h 52m 348.0
Matar η Pegasi 29º 58' N 22h 41m 345.2
Homan ζ Pegasi 10º 34' N 22h 39m 344.7
Sadalachbia γ Aquarii 01º 38' N 22h 19m 339.6
Ancha ζ Aquarii 08º 02' S 22h 14m 338.4
Alnair α Gruis 47º 12' S 22h 05m 336.1
Sadalmelek α Aquarii 00º 34' S 22h 03m 335.6
Deneb Algiedi δ Capricorni 16º 21' S 21h 44m 330.8
Enif ε Pegasi 09º 39' N 21h 42m 330.2
Azelfafage π1 Cygni 50º 58' N 21h 40m 329.7
Nashira γ Capricorni 16º 53' S 21h 37m 329.0
Sadalsud β Aquarii 05º 48' S 21h 29m 326.9
Alfirk β Cephei 70º 20' N 21h 28m 326.7
Alderamin α Cephei 62º 22' N 21h 17m 323.9

But the list is beginning too late, I have to extend it to cover also the area from 20h:

Albali ε Aquarii 09º 41' S 20h 45m 315.8
Gienah ε Cygni 33º 47' N 20h 44m 315.5
Deneb Cygni α Cygni 45º 06' N 20h 40m 314.5
Svalocin α Delphini 15º 44' N 20h 37m 313.8
Rotanev β Delphini 14º 25' N 20h 35m 313.3
Peacock α Pavonis 56º 53' S 20h 21m 309.7
Sadir γ Cygni 40º 06' N 20h 20m 309.4
Dabih β Capricorni 14º 56' S 20h 18m 308.9
Gredi α Capricorni 12º 42' S 20h 15m 308.2

I cannot se any obvious and immediate correlation between Gb1-14--15 and Dabih & Gredi:

Gb1-14 (*308) Gb1-15 Gb1-16 Gb1-17 Gb1-18 Gb1-19 Gb1-20 (*314)
Gb1-21 Gb1-22 Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25 Gb1-26 (*320) Gb2-1

However, 21 * 60 / 1440 * 365.25 = 319.6 could connect 21h with the transition from line b1 to line b2.

And similarly, 22 * 60 / 1440 * 365.25 = 334.8 could indicate the demarcation line in the sky which The Lucky One of the King has managed to pass over:

Sun 22h Sadalmelek - α Aquarii
Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270) Gb2-15 Gb2-16 (*336)

"... the names [Dabih and other similar ones] undoubtedly come from Al Sa'd al Dhābi, the Lucky One of the Slaughterers, the title of the 20th manzil (of which these alphas and β were the determinant point), manifestly referring to the sacrifice celebrated by the heathen Arabs at the heliacal rising of Capricorn." (Allen)