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1. In the Babylonian zodiac the Goatfish corresponds to our Capricorn:

I have here rotated the figure so we can get a better view. The front is a goat and the back side is a fish. The meaning is evident - the goat-fish is partially 'on land' and partially 'in the sea', astronomically seen, i.e. as defined by the divisions of the sky roof.

... Sea being the quarter occupied by Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Pisces, and Pisces Australis. It is the same space in the sky that Aratos designated as Water ...

The sign of Mars explains the character of its tail, viz. the season of spring. It once was in the part of the sky which began at winter solstice, when Sun would return, cfr at Ana-mua where the largest of the goatfish species (Parupeneus barberinus) is described:

This multitude of goatfishes could once have been used as a picture for the season of plenty ahead. The bright yellow fin tails correspond to the sign of Mars in the Babylonian zodiac.

The nose of the Goatfish is pointing backwards in time, in the normal fashion for zodiacal creatures. It looks as if it is moving forward in the year with its tail first, not able to see what lies in the future:

... The Maori word for 'the front of' is mua and this is used as a term to describe the past, that is, Nga wa o mua or the time in front of us. Likewise, the word for the back is muri which is a term that is used for the future. Thus the past is in front of us, it is known; the future is behind us, unknown ...

However, looking at the sky in the night the stars with lower right ascension, those which rise first, will be seen closer to the horizon in the west where they will go down, than those with higher right ascension numbers. Thus the tail of Capricornus will be at the left and the nose at right.

At present the Capricorn constellation is centered at right ascension 21h (counted from spring equinox north of the equator). This corresponds to 21 + 6 - 24 = 3 hours counted from winter solstice, i.e. close to the position which in the Babylonian zodiac was occupied by the Great One: