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6. But maybe we have been barking under the wrong tree. The synodical period of Mercury is 116 (115.88) days. 4 * 29 = 116 agrees with the fact that Mercury never is visible (29) other than close down to earth (and in the Babylonian zodiac appropriately close to Furrow). Neither Mercury nor Saturn are very visible.

365¼ - 64 = 301¼ is probably where the sky roof terminates:

Gb3-7 Gb3-8 Gb3-9 Gb3-10 (301) Gb3-11

301¼ + 116 = 417¼:

Gb7-5 Gb7-6 (417) Gb7-7 Gb7-8 Gb7-9 Gb7-10 Gb7-11

In the G text the sky roof evidently begins with the 'Woman in Chains', i.e. at autumn equinox south of the equator - and stars are more easy to observe when Sun has left. North of the equator autumn equinox is (according to the Babylonian zodiac) preceded by Virgo and Mercury.