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1. Volume II of Dream Voyager was an introduction to the timespace of Easter Island and volumes III - IV have been assigned not only to rongorongo signs but also to a preliminary overview of the complicated structure of the G text. In this overview we have found a probable correspondence between a few of the glyphs and prominent stars, e.g.:

Aldebaran 179 Antares
Ga1-3 (*68) Ga1-4 (5) Ga7-15 (185) Ga7-16 (*250)

The ordinal numbers of the glyphs evidently can be put in parallel with the right ascension days of these stars - given that we add 64:

Aldebaran α Tauri 04h 33m (4 * 60 + 33) / 1440 * 365¼ = 69.2
Antares α Scorpii 16h 26m (16 * 60 + 26) / 1440 * 365¼ = 250.1

Instead of now moving forward in the same direction as before, continuing with looking at the last 5 glyph lines on side b, we will break off in line b3. The parallels between glyphs and stars can hardly reach beyond day number 365 without interruption:

63 268
Gb6-26 (*1) Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270)
Gb2-15 (*335) Gb2-16 Gb3-7 Gb3-8 Gb3-9 (300) Gb3-10 (*365)

We will therefore return to Rogo in Gb6-26 and go on from there in order to see whether the hypothesized parallels between stars and glyphs indeed really are there - they could be the results of self-suggestion.

The current right ascension numbers of the stars (according to my book), e.g. 04h 33m for Aldebaran, describe how far after spring equinox north of the equator the star at present is located. Day 69 after spring equinox north of the equator corresponds to day 69 after autumn equinox south of the equator, i.e. 358 - (266 + 69) = 23 days before winter solstice:

North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 (89) autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 (181) winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 (275) spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 (365) summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

And Antares is located 177 - (266 + 250 - 358) = 19 days before summer solstice.

Fact is that the distance from Aldebaran to Antares (250.1 - 69.2 = 180.9 days) agrees with the distance in glyphs counted from Ga1-4 to Ga7-16; 186 - 5 = 181. But it could be a coincidence. If, however, we can find more stars which can be plausibly connected with the glyphs in the G text - at the correct distances from Aldebaran and Antares - then the room for coincidence will gradually become smaller.

At present our goal, however, is not to try to connect stars and glyphs with the locations of the cardinal points in the year (solstices and equinoxes). The distances between the stars are constant, but the precession moves the cardinal points of the year earlier with about 1 day in 72 years.

This said, though, will not be an obstacle when an opportunity offers itself to comment upon matters which are related to the possible correlations between glyphs and cardinal points, e.g.:

Ga1-4 (5) Ga7-16 (*250)

If Ga7-16 should happen to be not far in time earlier than midsummer, then the curved and very open tail in front are signs which agree with such a position. A curve is in rongorongo probably a sign for 'close to the end' (here of the season which ends at midsummer), and the matter of tails which are closed versus open in front have been mentioned several times earlier - the circumstantial evidences for my interpretation are overwhelming (see for instance at Hanga Takaure). And in Manuscript E the curve sign was used for instance when it was described how the kuhane of Hau Maka arrived to the level land where the king could have his residence:

... The dream soul came to Rangi Meamea and looked around searchingly. The dream soul spoke: 'Here at last is level land where the king can live.' She named the place 'Rangi Meamea A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The mountain she named 'Peke Tau O Hiti A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul moved along a curve from Peke Tau O Hiti to the mountain Hau Epa, which she named 'Maunga Hau Epa A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul went to the other side of the mountain Hau Epa. As soon as the dream soul looked around, she saw the sand (beach), which was very white and light. She remained there and explored everything. After she had looked around carefully, the dream soul of Hau Maka said, 'Ah! This is the place that will serve as a residence for the king. She named the place 'Oromanga A Hau Maka O Hiva' and also named the neighboring bay 'Hanga Moria One A Hau Maka O Hiva' ...

If Aldebaran should be referred to in Ga1-4, then its heliacal rising between autumn equinox and winter solstice explains why its tail is closed in front - it is a dark time.