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2. The way to teach cosmic information must be to use picture language, otherwise the listeners would be unattentive and not able to remember anything. But picture language is pliable and versatile, and depending on circumstances the pictures will be different. I think a rope can be used at some times and a serpent at other - with only slightly different meanings without relevance for the information carried.

We wish to reach the information carried, and I have suggested the current right ascensions of prominent stars in the pictures 'drawn' on the night sky by clever generations of ancient astronomers can be of use for us when trying to understand the text on the G tablet.

Let us therefore see if it is possible to correlate also Tien Kang, the Heavenly Rope, with promising glyphs:

Alrai γ Cephei 23h 37m 359.4
Kerb τ Pegasi 23h 18m 354.6
Markab α Pegasi 23h 02m 350.5
Scheat β Pegasi 23h 01m 350.3
Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 22h 55m 348.8
Tien Kang β Piscis Austrini 22h 29m 342.2

My elementary astronomy book has no information about the right ascension of Tien Kang and I have therefore fetched the following data from Wikipedia:


22h 57m 38.83s


 22h 31m 30.29s

The difference in right ascension is 0h 26m, from which I have deduced the measure 22h 29m in my table above.

Glyph number 342 is Gb4-21:

Gb4-18 Gb4-19 Gb4-20 Gb4-21 (342) Gb4-22 Gb4-23 Gb4-24
Gb4-25 Gb4-26 Gb4-27 Gb4-28 (349)
Gb4-29 Gb4-30 Gb4-31 Gb4-32
Gb4-33 Gb5-1 Gb5-2 Gb5-3 Gb5-4 Gb5-5 (359)

We have earlier tried with 2 glyphs per star, e.g:

Ana-muri (?) 179 Rehua (?)
Ga1-3 (*68) Ga1-4 (5) Ga7-15 (185) Ga7-16 (*250)

And let us continue to do so:

Tien Kang (?) 5 Fomalhaut (?) 15 Alrai (?)
Gb4-21 (342) Gb4-22 Gb4-28 (349) Gb4-29 Gb5-5 (359) Gb5-6

My sense of symmetry decided 26 (Sun) was a resonable measure, with a pair of tagata at both ends. If my idea of restoring order (dharma) at Piscis Australis should happen to be correct, with the Moon calendar (Serpent) presumably being adjusted to the position of Sun (Tree), then tagata in Gb5-6 could mark a position for Sun in the Moon calendar. 5 * 6 = 30 is an argument for position 300 rather than 360:

Ga3-1 (61) Gb5-6 (360)
300 = 10 * 30

In the chapter The Big Man I picked out a number of tagata glyphs for discussion, and maybe in G the 'big man' variant of tagata refers to Spring Sun (Ga4-1). Below I have updated my list of these great tagata persons, a list which earlier was meant primarily for the discussion of the front side of the text:

Ga1-2 (3) Ga1-11 (12) Ga2-1 (32)
Ga4-1 (85) Ga8-19 (223) Ga8-25 (229)
Gb1-5 (235) Gb4-22 (343) Gb8-15 (457)
150 120 228

Gb4-22 and Gb8-15 evidently belong in the group. I have added also the complex glyphs Ga8-19 and Ga8-25. The number play is similar to what was discovered earlier, e.g.:

Number play evidently plays a role in their locations.

E.g. are there 52 weeks in a year, 52 * 7 = 364, and a year with 360 days has months with 5 * 6 = 30 days.

Ga4-1 (85) Gb5-6 (360) Gb5-27 (381)
4 30 364
300 = 385 - 85, etc.

4 + 30 + 364 = 398 and 300 + 29 + 70 = 399 (equal to the number of days in the synodic cycle of Jupiter).

Gb6-2 (385) Gb6-6 (389) Gb8-9 (451)
12 36 72
300 29 70

Maybe 343 (Gb4-22) - 223 (Ga8-19) = 120 = 240 / 2 could be meant to indicate that Gb4-22 is a central glyph on side b?