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3. The curious figure in Gb4-22 we have noticed earlier, cfr at Camp 6:

... 3 + 3 little 'balls' are hanging down in Gb6-20 and they could possibly represent 60 days at the back side and 60 days in front, which idea we recently have quickly investigated. But I have not found it supported by the pictures in the glyphs at these places:

Gb4-18 (*403) Gb4-19 Gb4-20 Gb4-21 Gb4-22 (343) Gb6-20 (403)
Gb8-21 (463) Gb8-22 Gb8-23 Gb8-24 (*530)

The signs instead seem to say that we should count from Gb4-22 to Gb8-24:

59 62
Gb4-22 (343) Gb6-20 (403) Gb8-24 (*530)

The strange tagata in Gb4-22 is located at day number 343 which is the cube of 7, as if alluding to the ship with 6 decks of Utnapishtim ...

The flow emerging from the 'snake head' (the slender neck makes me associate it to a serpent) in Gb4-22 is similar to the flow emerging from the shoulder in Gb5-5, they are both rima aueue signs. A relationship between Gb4-22 and Gb5-5 is therefore probable, and I guess it means they belong in the same constellation, viz. Piscis Australis.

In The Arrow of Time I referred to Homeros: 

... The reversed hau tea in Gb4-1 means there is no light from the sky. 322 suggests the completion of 3 cycles. The thunder of Polyphemus casting down 'a grievous weight of dry wood' on the floor of his cave was followed by him lifting up a huge doorstone weighing more than what 22 * 4 wains could carry:

... 'Yes, for he was a monstrous thing and fashioned marvelously, nor was he like to any man that lives by bread, but like a wooded peak of the towering hills, which stands out apart and alone from others.' Odysseus, choosing twelve men, the best of the company, left his ships at shore and sallied to the vast cave. It was found stocked abundantly with cheeses, flocks of lambs and kids penned apart, milk pails, bowls of whey; and when the company had entered and was sitting to wait, expecting hospitality, the owner came in, shepherding his flocks. He bore a grievous weight of dry wood, which he cast down with a din inside the cave, so that in fear all fled to hide. Lifting a huge doorstone, such as two and twenty good four-wheeled wains could not have raised from the ground, he set this against the mouth of the cave, sat down, milked his ewes and goats, and beneath each placed her young, after which he kindled a fire and spied his guests ...

Homeros wrote of 'four-wheeled wains'. Each wain could thus represent a cycle with 4 quarters. After 22 such cycles comes the 'door' to a new era. Let us look at Gb4-22:

Gb4-17 Gb4-18 Gb4-19 Gb4-20 Gb4-21
Gb4-22 Gb4-23 Gb4-24

A peculiar tagata at left is the same entity as the right part of the glyph, rima aueue which we remember from earlier.

Ga1-29 (30) Gb4-22 Gb4-23 (344)

What looks like a fully alive Sun person is then running again in Gb4-26:

Gb4-25 Gb4-26 Gb4-27 Gb4-28
Gb4-29 Gb4-30 Gb4-31

And in King Cepheus I speculated if we should count his kingdom to stretch from Gb3-24 (the glyph beyond π):

Gb3-24 (315) Gb5-5 (359)
γ Cephei
3 43
Gb5-6 (360) Gb5-10 (364) Gb5-11 (365) Gb6-26 (409)
α Andromedae
5 45

The Egyptian system had 12 * 30 = 360 days followed by 5 intercalated days. If the year is ending with day number 359, then 5 intercalated days could stretch up to and including day number 364.

The structure is much too complex for us for the moment. Instead I just wish to once again underline that the person in Gb4-22 is the same entity as his 'flow' in front. Maybe this person represents the Serpent.