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4. If Saturn in Ga7-18 illustrates the situation immediately before a new fire is ignited from the 3 'stones' of Tautoru, then we ought to try to explain the similar glyph in Ga4-20 in a similar manner:

Ga7-16 Ga7-17 Ga7-18 Ga7-19 Ga7-20
Ana-mua (?) Tautoru (?) Ana-varu (?) Reitanga (?)
126 126
Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (105) Gb1-2 (232) Gb1-3 Gb5-5 Gb5-6 (360)
256 = 16 * 16

At Hanga Takaure the probable connection between Ga4-20 and Gb5-6 was noted, although the significance of 256 at that time was unknown, for instance that 256 + (472 - 256) / 2 = 364.

Later, in The Place Aloft, I tried to put Ga4-20 in connection with Ana-mua and Ana-muri:

Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (105) Ga4-22
Ana-mua (?)
Gb2-34 (290) Gb2-35 Gb3-1 Gb3-2
Ana-muri (?)

... There are no Tahitian star pillars between Ana-mua and Ana-muri, where the Milky Way stretches above the ecliptic ...

Maybe the spirit of Sun during half a year moves along the Milky Way after he has passed Scorpio, after he has disappeared into 'the house' in late autumn, as observed from a point north of the equator. South of the equator it would then become improper to trace him by way of the antipodal method, because the manu rere of Sun would be flying high above the ecliptic constellations, cfr Eagle & Dead Man:

But perhaps the zodiacal constellations south of the ecliptice, from Gemini to Scorpio, could be used for locating Sun when he was above the ecliptic from Scorpio to Gemini. And maybe, indeed, this could have been the ultimate cause for the Milky Way constellations (and possibly they were used long before the ecliptic zodiac was created).

Mata in front in Ga4-20 should indicate there is light present - without light the eyes should be closed. The takaure season (winter) could here be connected with Sun reaching Aldebaran. 290 - 105 = 185.

The long neck at left in manu kake could illustrate the long winter season and the fat neck at right the shorter season of plenty ahead.

In Gb2-35 (the Y position) 2 of 5 'berries' are missing, and maybe it means now also the 2nd (left) 'hand' of summer has been 'harvested'.

At Rau Hei I changed my opionion and tried instead to identify Ga4-21 with Ana-roto:

Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (*5) Ga4-22
Ana-roto (?)
Ga7-18 Ga7-19 (*89) Ga7-20

89 - 5 = 84 glyphs from Spica corresponds to 4 * 84 = 336 rectascension minutes if each glyph stands for a day. If we assume Ana-varu to be at Ga7-20, then the distance would be 4 * 90 = 360 minutes (a significant number for someone using 24 hours for a full cycle). Spica is at 13h 23m = 13 * 60 + 23 = 803 minutes, while Betelgeuze is at 05h 52m = 5 * 60 + 52 = 352 minutes. The distance in days is (803 - 352) / 4 = 113 days. It seems improbable to have Ana-roto 90 glyphs before Ana-varu. 113 - 90 = 23, and 23 glyphs before Ga4-21 we can find haś in Ga3-22:

Ga3-22 Ga3-23 Ga3-24 (84)
Ana-roto (?)

I connected Ga4-20 with Moon, and pointed out the distance 260 to vaha kai in Gb5-10:

242 sun
Gb4-9 (330) Ga4-17 (101)
Gb4-12 (332) Ga4-20 (104)
104 258
Ga4-21 (105) Gb5-10 (364)
364 = 14 * 26

242 + 1 glyphs after rau hei glyphs there should be signs of birth. There are 2 mata at right in Ga4-20 which is in harmony with the birth of a Moon season, presumably ending after 260 + 1 nights.

And at Midsummer I suggested Rei in Ga4-17 should be a glyph of origin:

3 7 32
Ga4-17 (*1) Ga4-21 (*5) Ga5-2 (*13)
Beginning (?) Ana-roto (?) Arcturus ?
Ga6-5 (*46) Gb4-9 (*230)
Ana-mua (?) Ana-muri (?)