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5. To get some order in all these conflicting clouds of evidence we had better go back and create a better foundation to stand on. Let us begin by incorporating the relevant stars in a table showing where they are in relation to each other.

The difference in time between Ana-muri and Sirius is slightly more than a month we remember. And earlier we have located Sirius to 4 days beyond winter solstice:

North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
Sirius 80 + 103 = 183 Reitaga 4 = 358 + (183 - 172) - 365
autumn equinox 266 (= 80 + 186) spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 (= 80 + 276) summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

We can count days from autumn equinox for a change. The present position of Sirius will then be - according to my table above - at day 365 + 4 - 266 = 103.

In order to secure the results I will repeat: The current right ascension value for Sirius is 06h 43m. Translated into minutes it becomes 6 * 60 + 43 = 403. With 24 * 60 = 1440 minutes for a full cycle, it means the position of Sirius is 403 / 1440 * 365¼ = 102 days beyond equinox. I will use this method in the following:

autumn equinox 0h 0 0
Aldebaran 04h 33 273 69
winter solstice 06h 360 91 (= 360 / 1440 * 365¼)
Sirius 06h 43 403 102 (= 69 + 33)
spring equinox 12h 720 183
summer solstice 18h 1080 274

Antares, Spica, and Betelgeuze should then be added:

autumn equinox 0h 0 0
Aldebaran 04h 33 273 69
Betelgeuze 05h 52 352 89 (= 69 + 20)
winter solstice 06h 360 91 (= 360 / 1440 * 365¼)
Sirius 06h 43 403 102 (= 69 + 33)
spring equinox 12h 720 183
Spica 13h 23 803 204 (= 69 + 135)
Antares 16h 26 986 250 (= 69 + 181)
summer solstice 18h 1080 274

There are no Tahitian star pillars between Antares and Aldebaran. A list of stars should rather begin at autumn equinox than at spring equinox.

Let us add also the other earlier mentioned stars to our new star list:

autumn equinox 0h 0 0
Polaris 01h 49 109 28
Alcyone 03h 45 225 57
Aldebaran 04h 33 273 69
Rigel 05h 12 312 79
Alnilam 05h 34 334 85
Betelgeuze 05h 52 352 89 (= 69 + 20)
winter solstice 06h 360 91 (= 360 / 1440 * 365¼)
Sirius 06h 43 403 102 (= 69 + 33)
Procyon 07h 37 457 116
Alphard 09h 25 565 143
Dubhe 11h 01 661 168
Phaed 11h 51 711 180
spring equinox 12h 720 183
Spica 13h 23 803 204 (= 69 + 135)
Arcturus 14h 13 853 216
Toliman 14h 36 875 222
Antares 16h 26 986 250 (= 69 + 181)
summer solstice 18h 1080 274

Because of the precession the absolute numbers are less useful than the distances between them:

present autumn equinox
Polaris (10) 28 -
Alcyone 57 29
Aldebaran (2) 69 12
Rigel 79 10
Alnilam 85 6
Betelgeuze (8) 89 4
present winter solstice
Sirius 102 13
Procyon (7) 116 14
Alphard (5) 143 27
Dubhe (4) 168 25
Phaed (9) 180 12
present spring equinox
Spica (3) 204 24
Arcturus (6) 216 12
Toliman 222 6
Antares (1) 250 28

The list suggests stars are of little interest between summer solstice and autumn equinox.