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2. There are no hua poporo berries among the 10 last glyphs - beyond number 16 - in line a8:

Ga8-17 (221) Ga8-18 Ga8-19 Ga8-20 Ga8-21
Ga8-22 (*290) Ga8-23 Ga8-24 Ga8-25 Ga8-26 (230)

Neither are there any in line a7 until the Rei glyphs:

Ga7-17 Ga7-18 Ga7-19 Ga7-20 Ga7-21 (190)
Ga7-22 (192) Ga7-23 Ga7-24
Ga7-25 (195) Ga7-26 Ga7-27 Ga7-28 Ga7-29 Ga7-30 (200)
Ga7-31 Ga7-32 Ga7-33 Ga7-34 (*268)

A causal relationship from Rei to hua poporo cannot be excluded. The single great 'berry' sign at right in Ga7-24 maybe is a kind of hua poporo, but I have not classified it as such because there is no more than one mata. Possibly the single great berry represents the season of Sun in contrast to those lesser 4 + 4 in Ga7-32--33 which could refer to 8 periods of Moon.

There are 7 + 6 = 13 feather signs in Ga7-32, as if illustrating the rays of Sun from behind the 'earth mountain', and it is a day of Saturn. (7 + 6) * 29½ =383½ could be a measure for a complete year counted by Moon. 73 * 2½ (from combining the information in Ga7-32 and Ga7-33) = 182½, which reasonably is a measure for half a year, and 383½ - 182½ = 201, the ordinal number of Rei in Ga7-31.

The single great berry does not seem to represent a continuation of the great fist held high in Ga7-20 (although a contrast between these two glyphs can be perceived), because there is no string in Ga7-20 and because the transformation from 'fist' to 'fruit' presumably comes 13 days later with the left sign in Ga7-33:

Ga7-18 Ga7-19 Ga7-20 (189) Ga7-21
Ga7-31 Ga7-32 Ga7-33 (203) Ga7-34 (*268)

The 'fist' held high could represent Spring Sun and the arm held high his path upwards. At a later stage his path has turned around and Sun has passed his maximum. In Ga7-34 the great head in the sky has disappeared, maybe been transformed into a new generation - dropped down to be the eye in front.