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3. I believe the glyphs in line a8 should be studied together with those in line a7 beyond Ga7-16. Maybe high summer arrives with Ga7-17 and ends with Ga7-34. At left in Ga7-17 thumb and indexfinger are drawn like an open beak stretching upwards craving for food, but the thumb in front is its opposite, well filled like a pregnant woman (or like Omotohi, Full Moon):

Ga7-17 Ga7-18 (188) Ga7-19 Ga7-20 Ga7-21
Ga7-22 (192) Ga7-23 Ga7-24
Ga7-25 (195) Ga7-26 Ga7-27 Ga7-28 Ga7-29 Ga7-30 (200)
Ga7-31 Ga7-32 Ga7-33 Ga7-34 (*268)

The following are the 26 glyphs in line a8 and they evidently form 2 groups:

Ga8-1 (205) Ga8-2 Ga8-3 Ga8-4 (*272) Ga8-5
Ga8-6 Ga8-7 Ga8-8 (212)
Ga8-9 (*277) Ga8-10 Ga8-11
Ga8-12 Ga8-13 Ga8-14 Ga8-15 Ga8-16 (*284)
Ga8-17 (221) Ga8-18 Ga8-19 Ga8-20 Ga8-21
Ga8-22 (*290) Ga8-23 Ga8-24 Ga8-25 Ga8-26 (230)

The characteristic glyph type in the first group of 16 arrives already in the preceding group (beyond glyph number 16 in line a7):

8 3
Ga7-21 Ga7-30 (200) Ga7-34 (*268)
3 4 2 2 1
Ga8-4 (*272) Ga8-9 (*277) Ga8-12 Ga8-15

Perhaps 14 + 16 = 30 refers to a month which is beginning with 14 days from the end of one glyph line and continues with 16 glyphs from the beginning of the next line.

These 16 glyphs at the beginning of line a8 could indicate the 2nd part of a cycle, the part which is connected with 'night', and then we can associate the previous 14 with 'day' or the phase of growing light.

At first sight there appear to be 3 glyphs of this kind followed by 4, which could make us think of 3 for spring and 4 for autumn. However, Moon (autumn) should be counted to 20 and Sun (spring) should be counted to 10:

Ga7-21 Ga7-30 (200)
3 3 4
Ga7-34 (*268) Ga8-4 (*272)
2 2 1
Ga8-9 (*277) Ga8-12 Ga8-15

Ga8-9 clearly must be the first glyph in the 3rd group because of the symmetries (and also because of its position which is alluding to Ga7-7):

Ga7-31 Ga7-32 Ga7-33 Ga7-34 (*268)
Ga8-1 (205) Ga8-2 Ga8-3 Ga8-4 (*272) Ga8-5
Ga8-6 Ga8-7 Ga8-8 (212)
Ga8-9 (*277) Ga8-10 Ga8-11
Ga8-12 Ga8-13 Ga8-14 Ga8-15 Ga8-16 (*284)

Considering the design of these characteristic glyphs we must regard Ga7-21 as separate from the rest. It has legs. Therefore the structure has Ga7-21 as number 1 and the following 6 glyphs as another group, and then we can perceive the possibility to count 9 + 12 + 8 = 9 + 20 = 29 (the number of nights in a month):

Ga7-30 (200)
3 3 4
Ga7-34 (*268) Ga8-4 (*272)
2 2 1
Ga8-9 (*277) Ga8-12 Ga8-15

Once again we will find Ga7-21 at the end of the previous season:

Ga7-17 Ga7-18 Ga7-19 Ga7-20 Ga7-21 (190)