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4. When I some years ago classified all the rongorongo glyphs according to types these 7 could not form a glyph type of their own, because there are no more such in G and none at all in any of the other texts:

Ga7-21 Ga7-30 Ga7-34 Ga8-4
Ga8-9 Ga8-12 Ga8-15

Instead I put them together with miscellaneous other glyphs in my catagory nuku:

nuku Ga1-26 Ga3-11 Ga4-18
Gb1-7 Gb6-3 Gb8-7 Gb8-10

The characteristic traits of nuku glyphs I have defined as the absence of arms together with a head drawn en face. This definition is not very exact but sufficient for sorting glyphs. No arms probably means no 'fire' in the sky, i.e. the 'habitat' of nuku signs is beyond spring.

At Vero the 2 spears of Tane were mentioned:

... Tane (the god of trees and light) indeed had 2 spears:





The sky, ragi, is above and earth, nuku, is below, and Tane in between:



The sign of a curve is added to nuku in those 7 we are discussing. The curve probably means the end of the 'journey' and when placed at the top of the glyph we can imagine the meaning is to tell about what happens when Sun has reached his highest position at midsummer.

In some mysterious way he leaves the sky above, by first disappearing behind the rain clouds which certainly will come after a period of intense heat. And his disappearance is connected with the fact that he is needed on the other side of the equator. He must turn around, which means his head will be at the bottom:

Gb1-7 (237, *301)