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3. Literally rau hei means a branch of mimosa, and the mimosa plant is special:

"The Sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica L.) is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched, re-opening within minutes. Mimosa pudica is native to Brazil, but is now a pantropical weed. Other names given to this curious plant are Humble plant, TickleMe plant, Shame plant, Sleeping Grass, Prayer plant, Touch-me-not, Makahiya (Philippines, meaning 'shy'), Mori Vivi (West Indies), mate-loi (false death) (Tonga) ...

... In the evening the leaflets will fold together and the whole leaf droops downward. It then re-opens at sunrise ..." (Wikipedia)

We know (e.g. from the myth about Ulu and Mokuola) that life and death are two sides of the same coin - unless somebody dies life is doomed. The act of sacrificing good specimens will generate strength in those who live on. The 'vital spirit' is so to say transferred to a new body.

To sacrifice or to be willingly sacrificed is important in difficult times. And difficult times can be avoided if people sacrifice as a precaution. A hanging 'fish' is like the leaves of a mimosa plant, and death is not definite but only illusory (mate-loi), and life is just taking a deep breath.

Beyond 26 Te Pito O Te Kainga - the mainland of Easter Island (but probably excepting Te Pu Mahore and Te Poko Uri in the extreme southwestern corner) - comes a season of high tide, it seems. Although the 27th day (Kane), and the following 3, are stated to be 'ebb' days according to the Hawaiian Moon calendar. Perhaps it could be a time for making offers to the gods:

Ga6-21 (*22) Ga6-22 Ga6-23
Ga6-24 Ga6-25 (166) Ga6-26
Ga6-27 Ga6-28 Ga6-29 (170)

Rau hei in Ga6-22 is fat and has 2 arms, while rau hei in Ga6-25 has only 1. They probably refer to Moon (period 27) respectively to Sun (as Mars). Number 21 is one more than the maximum to be counted for Moon and 24 means midnight.

Rau hei in Ga6-25 is located 229 days after Rogo in Gb6-26:

61 164
Gb6-26 (409) Gb6-27 Gb6-28
228 = 12 * 19
Ga6-24 (*228) Ga6-25 Ga6-26
Ga6-27 (*231) Ga6-28 Ga6-29 (170)

Counting should normally be done 'from - to' (instead of 'from - up to and including'), e.g. should the distance from Gb12-30 to the last glyph on side a be 229 and not 230. And likewise should the distance from Ana-mua to Ana-muri be counted as 184 days and not 185:

4 Ana-roto 7 Arcturus 32 Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri 130 5
day 5 day 13 day 46 day 230
45 184

Here I have tried with Ana-muri as day number 230, which nicely will cause Ana-roto to be at the day of 'fire' (with 4 preceding days). But we do not know the day numbers, and if for instance we should count 184 glyphs from Gb1-7 (with a Scorpion sting in front) then we will reach Gb7-10:

Gb1-5 Gb1-6 (236) Gb1-7 (*0)
Ana-mua (?)
Gb7-5 (416) Gb7-6 (*180) Gb7-7 Gb7-8 Gb7-9 Gb7-10 (*184) Gb7-11
Ana-muri (?)

Or we could count from Gb1-1 in order to reach 14 * 29½ and then find a day of Saturn:

Gb1-1 Gb1-2 Gb1-3
Ana-mua (?)
Gb6-25 (*177) Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 (*180)
Gb7-1 Gb7-2 (413) Gb7-3 Gb7-4 (*184)
Ana-muri (?)