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4. These are the 8 rau hei glyphs I can find in the G text, and obviously they come in pairs:

Ga6-22 Ga6-25 (166)
1 1
Gb1-20 (250) Gb1-22 Gb1-23 Gb1-25
Gb4-9 (330) Gb4-12

I have redmarked 4 of them because of their ordinal numbers, -22 respectively -25, which occur also at the first pair of tao glyphs:

Gb1-7 Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 (25) Ga1-25 Ga1-26

In line a1 I have increased the ordinal numbers by 1 (Gb8-30) before colouring, a method which seems to work well, e.g. for atariki ('the shadow king') in Ga1-24.

The distance from the pair of tao glyphs in line a1 to the similarly numbered rau hei in line b1 is (of course) 229. Counted from rau hei to tao - which I think is more relevant for the present discussion - the distance is 243 (one more than 242):

242 228
Gb1-22 (252) Ga1-22 (*495)
Gb1-25 (255) Ga1-25 (*498)
243 229

I guess this pair of tao glyphs are meant to represent the return from above of the 'victim', with his vital spirit embedded in a new body, cfr at The 2 Wives of Sun:

... The tao glyphs are like 'hot buns' immediately after having come out from the 'oven'. They indicate the vitality of the very young. Gradually the force of vitality then abates and they become cooler. At the end of their movements all their warmth will have gone away. They have become stiff as dry wood (toa):

tao tapa mea toa

The form of tao is like that of a canoe or an eye, both capable of very quick movements ...

If we count to 243 also from Ga6-22 and Ga6-25, we will arrive at glyphs which seem to agree with my idea of newborn 'babies':

moon 242
Ga6-22 Gb6-23 (406)
sun 242
Ga6-25 Gb6-26 (409)

Rogo in Gb6-26 probably stands where the new year is beginning, and in the creature at Gb6-23 her eye is close to her mouth (presumably a sign of youth - when food is the main interest).

62 * 3 = 18,, which can be interpreted as the first day after the 185 days of the front side of the year.

Is it possible to connect also the less obvious pair of rau hei glyphs with a 'reincarnation' after 243 days?

242 sun
Gb4-9 (330) Ga4-17 (101)
Gb4-12 (332) Ga4-20 (104)

330 + 242 = 572 = 472 + 100, and the position of Rei in Ga4-17 (a day of Venus) is 'one more'.

Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19
Ga4-20 (104) Ga4-21 Ga4-22

Manu rere in Ga4-16 is the returning 'living spirit', it seems, his 'fist' held high in front together with 6 maro feathers. Earlier the meaning was discussed at Elbow Ornaments.

Then, at A Pillar To Stand By, a possible connection with rau hei in Gb4-9 was noted, and also a possible connection with Gb5-12:

45 183
Ga4-16 (100) Ga6-5 (146) Gb4-9 (330)
Ana-roto (?) Ana-mua (?) Ana-muri (?)
46 184
99 265 = 5 * 53 106 = 2 * 53
Ga4-16 (100) Gb5-12 (366)
beginning of spring (?) autumn equinox (?)

Evidence points at the distance 229 from Rei in Ga4-17 to rau hei in Gb4-9 is intended to indicate the season when Sun is present in person so to say (instead of being 'absent in the night on the other side of earth').

And we can also infer that his absence is indicated by number 242, signifying the back side of the cycle (without necessarily to be understood as literally 242 days).

In general it can therefore be said that a rau hei glyph indeed marks the last day before a 'temporary death'.