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7. Dubhe once was postioned 'where the guards stood' but for Arcturus presens was used, 'a pillar to stand by' (if we can rely on the translation). To stand up is to rise what the sky roof does in spring. But day number 108 was located before Sun arrived (at Ana-mua), i.e. Arcturus stood in 'early dawn':

30 104 Ana-roto 12 Arcturus 32
day 95 (?) day 108 (?)
46 = 2 * 23
180 days
Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri
day 141 (?) day 325 (?)
184 = 8 * 23
185 days

... Arcturus is the palace of the emperor. The two groups of three small stars on its right (ν, τ, υ) and left (ζ, ο, π) are called She ti, the Leaders, because they assign a fixed direction to the tail of the Bear, which, as it revolves, points out the twelve hours of the horizon ...

The 'palace of the emperor' is presumably formed as a regular pentagon - alluding to 5 as in 'fingers of fire' - and located at winter solstice (cfr at Ana-tipu):




A / n

















The rectangle ('earth') has 4 corners, each corresponding to a quarter of a 360-day long year. A half-year will then be like a triangular form (as when you divide a square straight across by a diagonal)., and the corners will be measured as 2 * 45 + 90 = 180, which suggests the corners of the square where one half-year turns into the next must be divided in equal halves. I.e., when Mercury is perceived as half man and half woman it indeed corresponds to his location. He straddles midsummer.

Likewise must the area centered on winter solstice be divided in two halves, but there is no other planet which needs to be divided - when Mercury had been allotted his place the rest of them were 6.

The 5-cornered palace of the emperor lies beyond the 360 days of the year. Maybe each corner in earthly terms measures just 1 day, because 365 - 360 = 5. Myth definitely affirms the possibility of another timescale for the land of gods ('sea'):

"... we read of a fisherman later revered as a deity named Urashima:

He was handsome of feature ... He went out alone in a boat to fish with hook and line. During three days and nights he caught nothing, but at length he caught a turtle of five colours. Wondering, he put it in the boat ... While he slept the turtle suddenly became transformed into a woman, in form beautiful beyond description ...

He said to her, 'This place is far from the homes of people, of whom there are few on the sea. How did you so suddenly come here?' Smiling she replied, 'I deemed you a man of parts alone on the sea, lacking anyone with whom to converse, so I came here by wind and cloud.'

She is, of course, a Kami [a spirit], as he quickly understands, from a magical land that 'lasts as long as sky and earth and ends with sun and moon'. And she tempts him:

'You can come to that region by a turn of your oar. Obey me and shut your eyes.' So presently they came to a broad island in the wide sea, which was covered with jewels. (On it was a great mansion.) Its high gate and towers shone with a brilliance which his eyes had never beheld and his ears had never heard tell. 

They enter the mansion and are received and greeted in a loving fashion by her parents: 'Seated they conversed of the difference between mankind and the Land-of-Spirits, and the joy of man and Kami meeting. Eventually the fisherman Urashima and the beautiful sea Kami are married. Thereafter: 'For three years, far from his aged parents, he lived his life in the Spirit capital, when he began to yearn for his home and for them.' Observing the change in him, his wife asks: 'Do you desire to return home?' He replies: 'To come to this far Spirit Land, I parted from my near and kin. My yearning I cannot help ... I wish to return to my native place to see my parents for a while'. Then we read:

Hand in hand they walked conversing ... till they came to where their ways diverged and where her parents and relatives, sorrowing to part with him, made their farewells. The princess informed him that she was indeed the turtle which he had taken in his boat, and she took a jewel-casket and gave it to him saying: 'If you do not forget me and desire to seek me, keep this casket carefully, but do not open it.' Thus he parted from her and entered his boat, shutting his eyes as she bade him.

In a trice Urashima finds himself back in his home village again but a terrible surprise awaits him. During the three years that he has spent enchanted on the Spirit island 300 mortal years have passed and everything has changed beyond recognition. Stumbling around dazed and disconsolate, discovering from a passer-by that his own disappearance three centuries previously is itself now the subject of a village legend, he forgets the warning about the jewel box and opens it to remind himself of his Kami wife: 'But before he could look into it, something in the form of a blue-orchid soared up to the blue sky with the wind and clouds. Then he knew that, having broken his oath, he could not go back and see her again." (Graham Hancock, Underworld. Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age.)

There evidently are 108 glyphs (nights) beyond the end of the year:

104 = 2 * 52 258 107
Ga4-21 (105) Gb5-10 (364) Gb8-30 (472)
260 = 5 * 52 108 = 2 * 52 + 4
472 = 5 * 52 + 4 * (52 + 1)

Also 2 * (52 + 1) = 2 * 53 = 106 is probably a measure for the end of the text, and 366 + 106 = 472.

472 - 2 * 108 = 256 = 8 * 32. In a pentagonal cosmos our own land should measure 4 * 108 = 432 instead of 4 * 91 = 364. Maybe we here have an argument for number 68 being of importance, because 4 * (108 - 91) = 68.

Ga4-24 (where 42 * 4 = 168) could indicate the limit of the 'palace of the emperor'. Yet a further 34 (half 68) days are needed to reach the 'prow of the ship' (Ana-mua). 142 - 108 = 34, and 142 / 1½ = 95, Ana-roto.

period 15
Ga4-23 Ga4-24 (108) Ga4-25 Ga4-26 Ga4-27
Arcturus (?)
period 16
Ga5-1 Ga5-2 Ga5-3 (114)

Ga4-24 has the same numbers as Gb4-24, maybe because this glyph could indicate the limit of the palace on the other side of winter solstice:

Gb4-24 (345) Gb4-25 Gb4-26 Gb4-27 Gb4-28
Gb4-24 (*1) Gb4-25 Gb4-26 Gb4-27 Gb4-28
Gb4-29 Gb4-30 Gb4-31 Gb4-32 Gb4-33 (354)
Gb4-29 Gb4-30 Gb4-31 Gb4-32 Gb4-33 (*10)

472 - 344 = 128 (and 128 + 108 = 236 = 4 * 59). According to Moon time a corner should measure 354 / 3 = 118 nights (instead of 364 / 4 = 91 days). Thus, I dimly perceive, 128 - 108 = 20 could offer a possibility to let Moon and Sun once again go hand in hand.

118 / 2 = 59 are the last nights before the end of the text. This area could correspond to the first half of the  'the palace of the emperor', and 472 - 59 = 413 = 7 * 59, i.e. the mystical number of  'the earth turtle' (Pawahtun, cfr at 2 Sticks) combined with the lunar double-month. Indeed, this could be the limit beyond which 'the old home-land' is left behind, and 14 lunar months measure it:

Gb6-17 (400) Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20
Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24
Gb6-25 Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 (411)
Gb6-25 (*2) Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 (*5)
Gb7-1 Gb7-2 (413) Gb7-3 Gb7-4
Gb7-1 Gb7-2 (*7) Gb7-3 Gb7-4

59 + 109 (Arcturus) = (5 + 10) * 9 = 168.

Counted from the beginning of the front side there is a Sun-day after 8 * 32 = 256 (= 472 - 2 * 108) days - we can compare 108 with night number 28 and 109 with night number 29 in the month:

106 = 2 * 53 32 113
Ga4-23 Ga4-24 Ga4-25 Ga5-30 Ga6-1 Gb1-26
Arcturus (?) Ana-mua (?)
256 = 8 * 32
215 23
Gb2-1 Ga1-23 (24)
240 = 8 * 30