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6. If a 'child' is visualized at Saturday and Ga4-11, then it agrees fairly well with Ana-roto as a 'pregnant' star. But glyph number 95 is located 5 days earlier than in our model:

228 6
Ga4-11 (95) Gb4-3 (324) Gb4-10 Gb4-11
236 = 4 * 59
Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri
151 - 5 = day 146 335 - 5 = day 330
185 days
30 104 Ana-roto 12 Arcturus 32
146 - 183 / 4 = day 100 146 - 133 / 4 = day 113
180 days

The positions for the key stars, determined by Spica at day 100, should therefore possibly be adjusted with another 5 days (in addition to the reduction by 5 days compared to their present locations):

period 11
Ga4-11 (95) Ga4-12 Ga4-13
Ana-roto (?)
period 12
Ga4-14 Ga4-15
period 13
Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19
period 14
Ga4-20 Ga4-21 Ga4-22
period 15
Ga4-23 Ga4-24 (108) Ga4-25 Ga4-26 Ga4-27
period 16
Ga5-1 Ga5-2 (113) Ga5-3

A reduction by 5 + 5 = 10 days implies a time of creation for the G text ca 700 years ago.

We must look where Ana-mua and Ana-muri would be in such a revised model and then look at the corresponding glyphs in the G text. First we calculated (cfr at Sky Pillars) that Ana-mua would be at day number 151 according to its present rectascension value of 16h 26m, and the figures sitting back to back could indicate how spring (the season of 'eating') lies in front:

period 23
Ga6-9 Ga6-10 (151) Ga6-11

Then I stated that day number 151 hardly could be the correct day - we must reduce it because of the precession. As an example I proposed a reduction by 5 days (implying a creation time around 5 * 72 = 360 years ago):

period 22
Ga6-5 (146) Ga6-6 Ga6-7 Ga6-8

It looked promising. Ga6-5 is a Sun-day and several additional factors made it reasonable to guess this indeed was where Ana-mua could be, and that my guess for the creation time of the G text had hit on the mark. For instance did the following moe (Ga6-6) evidently relate to the beginning of a kind of half-year, ending 12 lunar months from the beginning of the front side:

155 24 24
Ga6-6 (147) Gb3-12 (303) Gb4-7 Gb4-8 (329) Gb4-33 (354) Gb5-1
156 = 13 * 12 26 = 13 * 2 26 = 13 * 2
208 = 8 * 26

If we reduce with a further 5 days Antares will be at the first glyph in period 21:

period 21
Ga5-30 (141) Ga6-1 Ga6-2 Ga6-3 Ga6-4

A growing maro with 5 feathers is an encouraging sign, and a henua open at both ends probably implies an 'interregnum'. 21 is the first number beyond 20:

period 20
Ga5-22 (133) Ga5-23 Ga5-24 Ga5-25
Ga5-26 Ga5-27 Ga5-28 Ga5-29

Period 20 has 8 glyphs and in period 21 there are 5 glyphs. Also other signs do indeed suggest Moon rules in period 20 (but not in period 21). 5 should rather 'belong to' Sun, or to be more precise 21 could indicate Mars (Spring Sun). There are 5 rising maro feathers beyond the 'interregnum' and there are 4 wilting ones beyond the rise of a new 'fist' (no fingers used up - cfr at Kava):

Ga5-30 (141) Ga6-1 Ga6-2

... The practice of turning down the fingers, contrary to our practice, deserves notice, as perhaps explaining why sometimes savages are reported to be unable to count above four. The European holds up one finger, which he counts, the native counts those that are down and says 'four'. Two fingers held up, the native counting those that are down, calls 'three'; and so on until the white man, holding up five fingers, gives the native none turned down to count. The native is nonplussed, and the enquirer reports that savages can not count above four ...

At Haś was discussed the 'fist held high' sign, and Ga6-1 resembles Gb2-1:

117 113 215 23
Ga6-1 (142) Gb1-26 (256) Gb2-1 Ga1-23 (24)
232 = 8 * 29 240 = 8 * 30

A relocation of Ana-mua from day number 146 to day number 141 is not improbable. From Ga6-1 up to and including the final Gb1-26 there are 115 = 5 * 23 days (i.e. half 230) and 46 days is the distance from Ana-roto to Ana-mua.

As to Ana-muri the preliminary picture was a position at Gb4-14 (based on the current rectascension value) followed by a reduction by 5 days to Gb4-9:

Gb4-6 Gb4-7 Gb4-8 Gb4-9 (330) Gb4-10 Gb4-11
Gb4-12 Gb4-13 Gb4-14 (335) Gb4-15 Gb4-16 Gb4-17

If we now should reduce with a further 5 days we will arrive at the 5th glyph beyond the dark line b3 (without any signs of henua, the moko line):

Gb3-24 (314) Gb3-25 Gb3-26 Gb3-27 Gb3-28 Gb3-29 Gb3-30
Gb4-1 Gb4-2 Gb4-3 Gb4-4 Gb4-5 (325)

Gb4-5 is also the 12th glyph counted from the π glyph, which is rather convincing. Thus we cannot discard the new model to reduce the current rectascension positions with 10 days:

Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri
151 - 10 = day 141 335 - 10 = day 325
184 = 8 * 23
185 days
30 104 Ana-roto 12 Arcturus 32
141 - 183 / 4 = day 95 141 - 133 / 4 = day 108
46 = 2 * 23
180 days

With Ana-roto at day 95 we can think 5 * 19 (both Sun numbers). With Ana-muri at day 325 we can think 13 * 25 (Moon respectively Saturn).

Ana-mua is here at day 141, which is one more than 10 fortnights. Also, Ga5-30 invites us to count 5 * 30 = 150 or half the ancient measure of 300 days for Sun.

Arcturus receives the interesting number 108. And, irrespective of the day number, this star stands 33 days before Ana-mua. Maybe there is a connection between Arcturus and the Pleiades:

... the renewal of kingship at the climax of the Makahiki coincides with the rebirth of nature. For in the ideal ritual calendar, the kali'i battle follows the autumnal appearance of the Pleiades, by thirty-three days - thus precisely, in the late eighteenth century, 21 December, the winter solstice. The king returns to power with the sun ...