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1. Arcturus should be considered together with Dubhe - both are in myth apparently connected with the Pleiades, the sign of a new year:

... Now the deluge was caused by the male waters from the sky meeting the female waters which issued forth from the ground. The holes in the sky by which the upper waters escaped were made by God when he removed stars out of the constellation of the Pleiades; and in order to stop this torrent of rain, God had afterwards to bung up the two holes with a couple of stars borrowed from the constellation of the Bear. That is why the Bear runs after the Pleiades to this day; she wants her children back, but she will never get them till after the Last Day ...


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01


Ana-heu-heu-po, the pillar where debates were held

Alphard, α Hydrae

-08° 26'  09h 25


Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae, a pillar to stand by

Arcturus, α Bootis

19° 27'  14h 13


Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava, pillar for elocution

Procyon, α Canis Minoris

05° 21'  07h 37


Ana-varu, pillar to sit by

Betelgeuse, α Orionis

07° 24'  05h 52


Ana-iva, pillar of exit

Phaed, γ Ursae Majoris

53° 58'  11h 51


Ana-nia, pillar-to-fish-by

North Star, α Ursae Minoris

89° 02'  01h 49

"The Chinese called it [Boötes] Ta Kiō, the Great Horn, four small stars near by being Kang Che, the Drought Lake; Edkins further writing of it:

Arcturus is the palace of the emperor. The two groups of three small stars on its right (ν, τ, υ) and left (ζ, ο, π) are called She ti, the Leaders, because they assign a fixed direction to the tail of the Bear, which, as it revolves, points out the twelve hours of the horizon ..." (Allen, Star Names. Their Lore and Meaning.)

If there were 6 'hours' instead of 24 around the horizon, then Arcturus' location as the 6th of the star pillars would be reasonable, because Ursa Major and Boötes are related in thought.

"... Exactly whom Boötes is supposed to represent in Greek mythology is not clear. According to one version, he was a ploughman who drove the oxen in the constellation Ursa Major using his two dogs Chara and Asterion (from the constellation Canes Venatici). The oxen were tied to the polar axis and so the action of Boötes kept the heavens in constant rotation ..." (Wikipedia)

4 is equal to ⅔ of 6. With Sun counting as 1 and Man as number 2 - and with originally 6 zodicacal constellations - Sun spreads out twice as many days as Man, my imagination says. Thus the forceful Spring Sun needs 240 days and only after his disappearance ('pruning') will the season of initated men arrive (with 120 days). Or if the cycle of the regulated year should be measured as 6 doublemonths, then the wild Mars 'beast' will have 4 of them and Man 2:

... Gilgamesh is claimed to have been one of the earliest kings of Uruk (or Erech). The circumstances of his fabled birth make him two-thirds god and one-third man, which makes him - in the sexagesimal system of Mesopotamia - two-thirds of 60 (= Anu) = 40, the number which characterized Enki-Ea, whence the latter's denomination of 'Shanabi (= ⅔, i.e., of 60) and Nimin (Sumerian = 40)' ...

I imagine Gilgamesh means the one who kindles, gilg, the sun, (sh)amash:

"Without taking part in the heated discussion on the interpretation of the very name Gilgamesh - dGIS.GIN.MEZ/MAS, and other forms - one can mention that GIS means 'wood, tree', and MEZ/MAS a particular kind of wood, and that there are reasons for understanding our hero as a true Prometheus." (Hamlet's Mill)

Woman comes last, and she will have the last 5 dark (unregulated) nights of the cycle as her own, between the old year and the new. 4 + 2 + 1 = 7. This scenario could explain the distribution of Dubhe, Arcturus, and Procyon:


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01


Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae, a pillar to stand by

Arcturus, α Bootis

19° 27'  14h 13


Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava, pillar for elocution

Procyon, α Canis Minoris

05° 21'  07h 37

The virtue of a man is to stand firm, while women are softer and have their strength in their tongues. To talk is silver, to be silent is gold (an old Swedish proverb).

Ana-tahua-taata [-tagata] presumably means 'the star pillar of man who kindles fire' or something similar.

... To stir up a fire. Ta.: to build a fire, to light. Mq.: tahu, to light a fire. Sa.: tafu, id. Ma.: to set on fire, to kindle, to cook. Tahuna, a shallow, shoal, bank. Mq.: tahuna, beach gravel, shingle. Sa.: tafuna, a rocky place in the sea. Ma.: a shoal, a beach. Tohua, a place of public assembly. Mq.: tohua, public place, soil, land. Mq.: tahuahi, the servant in charge of the fire. Ha.: kahuahi, id. ...

And Ana-tahua-vahine would then be 'the star pillar of woman who kindles fire'. The same type of formulation probably indicates a perceived close connection between Arcturus and Procyon. But they are far apart in time.

14h 13m = 14 * 60 + 13 = 853 minutes and 07h 37m = 7 * 60 + 37 = 457 minutes. This we can convert into days by dividing by 4. Their present day numbers counted from spring equinox north of the equator are 853 / 4 = 213¼ respectively 457 / 4 = 114¼.

Then we can reduce these numbers by e.g. 10 in order to go back in time for instance by 720 years (due to the precession which with time will increase the rectascention by 1 day for each ca 72 years). 213 - 10 = 203 and 114 - 10 = 104.

203 - 104 = 99 and 360 - 99 = 261. These differences are the same both at present and in earlier ages, and both 99 and 261 are important numbers in the rongorongo texts.

Moreover, 365 - 99 = 266 is equal to the day number of autumn equinox, and 99 is also the number of lunations in 8 * 365 = 2,920 days:

... After five complete cycles totaling 2,920 days, the movement of Venus fill eight idealized years of 365 days each and come within hours of spanning 99 lunations ...

We should be able to convert Procyon's 104 (days after spring equinox north of the equator around 720 years ago) to day 9, because we have earlier (cfr at A Pillar To Stand By) calculated Arcturus to be at day 108, and 108 - 99 = 9:

30 18 Procyon 85 Ana-roto 12 Arcturus 32
108 - 99 = day 9 day 95 day 108
104 = 2 * 52 46 = 2 * 23
150 days
180 days

Day number 9 could be represented by Ga1-8, a day of Jupiter:

Gb8-30 (1) Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 Ga1-4 Ga1-5 Ga1-6
Ga1-7 Ga1-8 (9) Ga1-9 Ga1-10 Ga1-11
Procyon (?)