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7. What I prefer to call 'elbow ornaments' are such signs which hang down from elbows, and the 3-feathered (maro) strings in Ga4-14 is such an example:

period 10 1 period 12 period 13
3 3
Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-10 Ga4-14 (98) Ga4-15 Ga4-16 (100)
4 3

In Ga4-9 another type of elbow ornament is attatched to the right elbow, now in the past. We can compare it with a similar ornament from the left elbow of manu rere in Ga4-16:

2 2
Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-12 (96) Ga4-13 Ga4-16 (100)

Probably there is a point of reversal between Ga4-9 and Ga4-16, because of how the elbow ornament of manu rere resembles a mirror image of that in Ga4-9. Though the elbow ornament (and thereby the whole bird) at position 100 is open (not drawn with a closed outline).

Reviewing all glyphs from the beginning of side a in search for other elbow ornaments we will find the first one in Ga2-5:

Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-6 Ga2-7 Ga2-8 Ga2-9 Ga2-10
Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-6 Ga2-7 Ga2-8 Ga2-9 Ga2-10

The colours in the 2nd set of glyphs are based on counting them from the beginning of the front side of the text, which we earlier (cfr at Moe) considered to be plausible by cause of how Makoi should represent Saturn and tagata toki also should be Saturn:

Ga2-1 (32) Ga2-2 Ga2-3 Ga2-4



51 51
Gb8-17 (459) Ga2-8 (39)
52 = 13 * 4 52 = 13 * 4

The elbow sign of Mercury and high summer resembles that of Jupiter at the end of the year:

Ga2-5 (36) Ga4-16 (100)

An empty hand has developed into a fist (like a bud whose petals will be counted one at a time as they open up later on) and the elbow sign has grown to full size, I think. A slight difference in the form of the elbow ornament in Ga2-5 is presumably due to an effort to draw it like the front leg of tagata- a sign which could mean the season of '2 legs' lies in front.

Next elbow sign to consider is Ga2-19, and it is identical with that in Ga4-16:

Ga2-17 Ga2-18 Ga2-19 (50) Ga2-20
Ga2-21 Ga2-22 Ga2-23 Ga2-24

The bird in Ga2-19 is feeding and he has his life ahead - cfr his tail which is uplifted in front - but 50 glyphs later his tail will be closed to the incoming light.

With colours counted from the beginning of the text for Ga2-5 and Ga2-19 but from the beginning of the line in Ga4-16:

Mercury Jupiter
Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-19 (50) Ga4-16 (100)

Then there is another type of elbow sign in Ga3-6, 30 glyphs after Ga2-5:

Ga3-6 (66) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 Ga3-9

3-6 seems to refer to glyph number 36, and it is the same typ of bird as in Ga2-19. His feeding hand has developed into a fist and ragi is alighted in front. His elbow is thick (well fed).

Considering the fact that another fist is held high by tagata in front in the following glyph we can draw the conclusion that what presuambly is meant is that Spring Sun has left and that the season with a starry night sky instead lies in front:

Ga2-27 (*1) Ga2-28 (59) Ga2-29 Ga3-1 (*4)
Ga3-2 (*5) Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5 (*8)
Ga3-6 (*9) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 (68) Ga3-9 (*12)