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8. The elbow ornament in Ga4-9 is special, it is drawn closed and also as a separate entity at left:

Mercury Jupiter
Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-19 (50) Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-16 (100)

From considering the similarity between the elbow ornament in Ga2-5 and the front leg of its tagata I guess the elbow ornament at left in Ga4-9 could represent a greater such limb ('leg'). At winter solstice Old Sun should leave, and the glyph type vae could carry such a meaning:


Va'e: Foot, leg; te va'e mata'u, te va'e maúi, right foot, left foot. Va'e ruga, va'e raro, quick and light, without detour (lit.: foot up, foot down). Ka-oho koe ki a nua era va'e ruga va'e raro, ina ekó hipa-hipa, hurry straight to your mother, do not make any detours. Va'e pau, misshapen foot, clubfoot. Vae, to choose. Vaega, middle, centre; i vaega o, in the middle of. Vanaga.

1. Foot, paw, leg, limb; vae no roto, drawers; karikari vae, ankle. P Pau.: vaevae, foot, leg. Mgv.: vaevae, id. Mq.: vae, id. Ta.: vaevae, avae, id. 2. Pupil. 3. To choose, elect, prefer, promote, vote; vavae, to destine, to choose; vaea (vae 2), pupil. Vaeahatu (vae 1 - ahatu): moe vaeahatu, to sleep sprawling with legs extended. Vaega, center, middle, within, half; o vaega, younger; ki vaega, among, between, intermediate. P Pau.: vaega, the middle. Mgv.: vaega, center, middle. Mq.: vaena, vavena, vaveha, id. Ta.: vaehaa, half. Vaehakaroa (vae 1 - roa): moe vaehakaroa, to sleep with legs stretched out. Vaehau (vae 1 - hau 3), pantaloons, trousers. Vaeherehere (vae 1 - here 1), to attach by the paw. Vaerere (vae 1 - rere 1), to run. Churchill.

Ta.: 1. Timbers of a boat. Ha.: wae, knees, side timbers of a boat. 2. To share out. Sa.: vae, to divide, to share. Ma.: wawae, to divide. Churchill.


Chicken's long tail feather; lobster's antenna (vaero ura). Vanaga. Tail of a kite, tail of a bird (uero). T Pau.: tuavaero, rump; kaero, tail. Mgv.: vero, tail. Mq.: veó, id. Ta.: aero, id. Churchill.

Word plays can use va'e together with vaero:

... Lobster said to Flounder: 'Let us-two hide from each other, see who is best at that.' Flounder agreed to play this game. Lobster went to a hole in the coral, hid his body; but his feelers struck out, he could not hide them. Flounder knew where he was, found him. Said Flounder; 'Now it is my turn.' He stirred up a cloud of mud and scooted into it. Then he returned to Lobster's side, so quietly that Lobster did not know he was there. 'Here I am sir, Lobster!'

Lobster was so angry at being beaten that he stamped on the fish and smashed him flat. Cried Flounder; 'Now I've got one eye in the mud!' Therefore Lobster gouged it out for him and roughly stuck it back on top. This is the reason why men tread on the Flounder, but can always see the Lobster's feelers outside his hole ...

In ancient Egypt there was a 'Leg of the Bull' constellation - cfr in the picture below, straight above the perching bird and close to the north pole:

We have seen this 'leg' earlier:

At the same time, but south of the equator, it should be summer solstice, and possibly the vae sign at left in Gb1-13 (the first of the few vae signs in the G text, all of them on side b) is indicating where Spring Sun is leaving:
149 146
Ga4-9 (93) Gb1-13 (243) Gb1-14 Gb6-8 Gb6-9 Gb6-10 (393)
150 150

Rima i ruga has here been rotated 180° so that head and hand are upside down, while the leg is as it should. If we rotate Gb1-13 once again we can see that the feeding hand is at left:

Ga4-9 Gb1-13 rotated 180°

In the Babylonian sky the 'leg' was Ursa Minor ('Wagon of Heaven'), and in the Tahitian star pillar list α Ursae Minoris was number 10, the last of the stations of Sun as I interpret it:


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01


Ana-heu-heu-po, the pillar where debates were held

Alphard, α Hydrae

-08° 26'  09h 25


Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae, a pillar to stand by

Arcturus, α Bootis

19° 27'  14h 13


Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava, pillar for elocution

Procyon, α Canis Minoris

05° 21'  07h 37


Ana-varu, pillar to sit by

Betelgeuse, α Orionis

07° 24'  05h 52


Ana-iva, pillar of exit

Phaed, γ Ursae Majoris

53° 58'  11h 51


Ana-nia, pillar-to-fish-by

North Star, α Ursae Minoris

89° 02'  01h 49

In June ('December') the year 'sits down' at Orion (8) and then its living spirit exits and flies north, I imagine:

240 + 2 * 30 = 300.