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1. Once again, I guess there could be a correspondence between the first 4 glyph lines in the G text and the first 4 Tahitian 'star pillars':


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01

The 'entrance pillar' (Ana-mua) is Antares and the 'entrance line' of the G text is probably line a1. Furthermore, south of the equater Antares announced the arrival of summer (not the arrival of autumn as north of the equator), and side a on the G tablet is evidently its front side.

The front side of the year perhaps was regarded as the half-year from winter solstice to summer solstice. The ship of Sun sails over the waters on the back side of earth (the Underworld) and will then reach the shore line where a new year (a new land) lies waiting.

If Ga1 describes (which I think is a possibility) the landing of the ship of the Sun king, then there ought to be some sign of his canoe. Earlier (at 2 Sticks) I have suggested that canoe hulls may be depicted at right in Ga1-7 and Ga1-9. This was in connection with my idea of how a pair of wooden sticks ought to be necessary at the beginning of 'land', and I referred to how Hotu Matua arrived to Easter Island according to Manuscript E:

Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 Ga1-10 (11) Ga1-11

The separation of the king's canoe from that of the queen was probably meant as a sign, and I guess it refers to how sky separates from earth when light returns in spring. For instance is in the Dendera round zodiac Pisces depicted as a pair of fishes looking in the same direction and the straight lines connecting them could depict their paths from the point of their separation:

The fishes would then be moving in the opposite direction compared to how Sun moves during the year. Their heads are oriented backwards in time like the arrow head in Sagittarius. The pair of fishes were probably here meant to represent the two 'faces' of Moon and if they are moving counterclockwise (like Moon herself) Pisces will be the station where winter (the water season) is beginning (not ending as according to our normal perception). Between the fishes there is the Egyptian sign for water basin - not a piece of land (Field) as in the Babylonian zodiac:

If we let time run in the normal direction, then we instead will see the two tails of the fishes prolonged from a point where the straight lines meet, i.e. spring equinox north of the equator. If sky is beginning to separate from earth at spring equinox, then the preceding quarter must be a time when sky is gradually rising up to the level of earth, rising from the waters of the Underworld. The Field thus in a way could be saying that sky ('fire', Sun) has arrived at the level of 'land'.