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2. Half a month later there are other 'canoe' signs:

Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23
Ga1-24 Ga1-25 (26) Ga1-26

The numbers indicate there probably is a relationship between on one hand Ga1-22 and Ga1-25 and on the other Ga1-7 and Ga1-9:

Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 Ga1-10 (11) Ga1-11

Once again, 7 and 22 could refer to 22 / 7 = 3.14 (and imply a cycle is completed in line a1). 17 + 19 (in Ga1-7 and Ga1-9) = 36. In Ga1-22 and Ga1-25 we can count 12 * 2 = 24 and 12 * 5 = 60. Then we can add 24 + 60 = 84 and play with the numbers:

84 6 * 14 4 * 21 Moon
36 6 * 6 4 * 9 Sun
48 6 * 8 4 * 12 difference
120 6 * 20 4 * 30 sum

Another solution to the numerical riddle is to count 1 * 7 = 7 and 1 * 9 = 9, which will change the table into:

84 4 * 21 Moon
16 4 * 4 Earth (?)
68 4 * 17 difference
100 4 * 25 sum

The glyph type tao (as exemplified by Ga1-22 and Ga1-25) can be imagined as the hull of a double-canoe:

Ha5-44 (260) Ha5-45 Ha5-46 Ha5-47 Ha5-48
Pa5-26 (261) Pa5-27 Pa5-28 Pa5-29 Pa5-30 Pa5-31
Qa5-34 (*184) Qa5-35 Qa5-36 Qa5-37 Qa5-38 Qa5-39

In Ha5-46 there is a pair of tao supported by another type of sign. It is a day of Saturn and 'fire' (5) is here in conjunction with 46, a number which like e.g. 36 seems to be connected with the completion of a cycle. Cfr Tahua with 1334 = (20 + 26) * 29 glyphs.

The sign below the pair of tao is of the same type as in Gb1-10, a variant of vaha kai:

Gb1-5 Gb1-6 Gb1-7 Gb1-8
Gb1-9 Gb1-10 (240) Gb1-11 Gb1-12

The season for this variant of vaha kai seems to be where the path of Sun turns around into its 2nd phase. Therefore, I guess, his 'head' has disappeared in Gb1-10 and a 2nd 'arm' is growing up in front like a replacement. The fate of Sun's head is evident first in the pair Gb1-6--7 and then at left in Gb1-9. The last 'face' of Sun is Jupiter and 1-9 presumably alludes to 19 (Sun).

Up to now I have been convinced that a glyph number such as 5-46 should be counted in the counter-intuitive way as 54 * 6 and not as 5 * 46. However, at Ha5-46 I must admit that 5 * 46 = 230 does seem to convey meaningful information. Glyph number 230 is in G the first one on side a and equal to 8 * 29½ - 6. The lines on the H tablet are longer than the lines on the G tablet and the same day could therefore arrive in an earlier line in H than in G.

In order to ascertain whether 5 * 46 = 230 is just a coincidence or if it was designed to be a Sign by the creator of the H text we can look 6 glyphs earlier than Ha5-46 - using a kind of logic based on the fact that Moon moves in the direction contrary to Sun and also based on my guess that G primarily is a Moon calendar in contrast to H which primarily could be a Sun calendar:

Ha5-26 (242) Ha5-27 Ha5-28 Ha5-29 Ha5-30 Ha5-31 Ha5-32
Ha5-33 Ha5-34 (250) Ha5-35 Ha5-36
Ha5-37 Ha5-38 Ha5-39 Ha5-40 (256)
Ha5-41 Ha5-42 Ha5-43 Ha5-44 (260)
Ha5-45 Ha5-46 (262) Ha5-47 Ha5-48

262 - 6 = 256, which in G marks the transition from line 9 to line 10 - and probably also the changeover from the front side (with 9 lines) to the back side:

Gb1-26 (256) Gb2-1

Ha5-40 (where 5 * 40 = 200) is the last of 8 glyphs which have no complete circumference due to an oblong destroyed ('dark') area on the tablet:

I guess this imperfection in the wood is related to the larger burnt area, and that the creator of the H text could have used it as a sign. Line a6 (to be read upside down) is also affected by the small destroyed area (with *5 glyphs totally missing). In many places on earth before a new piece of land could be used for planting the wild vegetation had to be burnt away ('slash-and-burn'). Only then could the orderly rows of a field be created:

But the circumstances varied depending on habitation:

"Field (The Square of Pegasus) The Field represents a barley field divided by a series of irrigation ditches. The constellation rises as the barley is regularly irrigated and starts to ripen. In astrology its omens naturally foretell the nature of the coming harvest." (

To use the destruction of the top ends of glyphs in a meaningful way it could be connected with how Sun beyond his apex suddenly disappears, maybe hidden by smoke in some parts of our globe and by rain in other parts:

7 periods of growth
Ha5-26 (242) Ha5-27 Ha5-28 Ha5-29 Ha5-30 Ha5-31 Ha5-32
8 9 10
Ha5-33 Ha5-34 (250) Ha5-35
11 12 13 14 15
Ha5-36 Ha5-37 Ha5-38 Ha5-39 Ha5-40 (256)

15 * 20 = 300 and 5 * 40 = 240 = 8 * 30.

Beyond a description of the path of Sun should come a description of the season of Moon, I think, and we could count e.g. 8 * 20 = 160 (= 240 * ⅔):

16 17 18 19
Ha5-41 Ha5-42 Ha5-43 Ha5-44 (260)
20 21 22 23
Ha5-45 Ha5-46 Ha5-47 Ha5-48 (264)

If so, then Ha5-46 would be at day number 8 * 30 + 6 * 20 = 360. This interpretation can explain why in Ha5-47 (a Sunday) there is an oval outline (like zero). Furthermore 5 * 47 = 235:

Gb1-5 Gb1-6 (235) Gb1-7 Gb1-8
Gb1-9 Gb1-10 (240) Gb1-11 Gb1-12

Similarly, the pair of 'elbows' in front at Gb1-10 can correspond to the pair in front at Ha5-48.

The 'zero' and double 'elbows' in G and H are missing in the parallel texts of P and Q. Also other small signs betray differences in meaning:

Pa5-26 (261) Pa5-27 Pa5-28 Pa5-29 Pa5-30 Pa5-31
Qa5-34 (*184) Qa5-35 Qa5-36 Qa5-37 Qa5-38 Qa5-39

Especially noteworthy is the orientation and number of the limbs on rau hei:

Pa5-27 Pa5-30 Pa5-31
Qa5-35 Qa5-36 Qa5-38 Qa5-39
Ha5-45 Ha5-47 Ha5-48