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1. It strikes me that 266 * 1½ = 399 = the synodical cycle of Jupiter. This fact ought to have been important for the creator of the calendar system described in G.

471 (the number of glyphs on the tablet) is not 472 = 16 * 29½, but one less. Likewise, 399 is one less than 400. But 314 * 1½ = 471, which makes 100π similar to 266:

314 471 472 = 1½ * 314 + 1
266 399 400 = 1½ * 266 + 1

If π needs to be taken twice in order to complete a circle, then also twice 266 ought be used to complete a cycle. With Jupiter being finished at ¾ of the cycle of 2 * 266 days it corresponds to a lifetime of 9 months (of 12). Day number 400 corresponds to the first day of the 10th month and of the last quarter.

Ga6-12 Ga6-13 Ga6-14 Ga6-15 (*628) Ga6-16

The 2nd phase of Sun is beginning at autumn equinox, the point in his cycle where summer turns into winter. Similarly, the 2nd phase of Moon is beginning at full moon, where growth changes to descent:

Ca7-24 (192)

Gb2-10 (266)

full moon

autumn equinox

I have tried to measure the length of the K text and found it to be probably 192 glyphs long. In G all of the parallel text is located on side a.

The front side of the cycle of Moon is the time from new moon up to full moon. The front side of the cycle of Sun can be said to begin with spring equinox because it evidently ends with autumn equinox. But Sun has only one leg and therefore the cycle of Sun can also be said to begin at winter solstice, in which case the leg is very long (¾ of the whole journey). Or maybe we should look at it from the other end, from his 'nose':

... The dream soul went on. She was careless (?) and broke the kohe plant with her feet. She named the place 'Hatinga Te Koe A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul went on and came to Roto Ire Are. She gave the name 'Roto Ire Are A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul went on and came to Tama. She named the place 'Tama', an evil fish (he ika kino) with a very long nose (he ihu roroa) ...

Niu in Ga2-29 (where 2-29 could allude to 229, the number of glyphs on side a) is glyph number 2 * 266 = 532. Presumably it means the back side of the cycle of Sun ends here:

Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 (60)

Ga3-1 (*533) Ga3-2


Ga3-4 Ga3-5

Spring equinox south of the equator comes at day number 358 + (266 - 172) = 452 (= 365 + 87), or 80 days earlier than day 532:

North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

Day number 452 is located at Gb8-10 (where 8 * 10 = 80):

Gb7-31 Gb8-1 Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5
Gb8-6 Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9
Gb8-10 (452) Gb8-11 Gb8-12 Gb8-13
Gb8-14 Gb8-15 Gb8-16
Gb8-10 (452) Ga2-29 (60)
8 * 10 = 80 80

I have tried to count from day number 266 and it gives meaningful results:

Gb2-10 (*0) Gb8-1 (*177) Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 (*180)
Gb8-5 Gb8-6 Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9 (*185)
Gb8-10 (*186) Gb8-11 Gb8-12 Gb8-13
Gb8-14 Gb8-15 Gb8-16 (*192)

The beginning of line b8 comes 6 lunar synodic months (177 nights) beyond autumn equinox (Gb2-10). At Gb8-16 the ordinal number becomes 192 (as at full moon in the Mamari moon calendar and also the length of the K text).

A quick look at day number ½ * 266 = 133 takes us to the beginning of the 20th henua period:

20th period
Ga5-22 (133) Ga5-23 Ga5-24 Ga5-25
Ga5-26 Ga5-27 Ga5-28 Ga5-29 (140)
132 132 132 132
Ga5-22 (133) Gb2-10 (266) Gb6-16 (399) Ga2-29 (532)
52 * 2 = 104 20 61 * 6 = 366 80