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3. Probably Hanga Hoonu refers to winter solstice, the end station of the year which is born at Rangi Meamea:

Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20
Maunga Teatea (?) Mahatua (?)
Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
Taharoa (?) Hanga Hoonu (?) Rangi Meamea (?)

The glyph type at left in Ga1-23 I decide to name rima hati:


1. Hand, also, but improperly, fingers, forearm; te ko mu'a o te rima, palm of the hand; te ko tu'a o te rima, back of the hand; rima hakaturu, generous, liberal, munificent; tagata rima pu'a, helper; rima hakakau, generous hands, open-handed person; rima matu'a neanea, thumb. 2. Fifth; e-rima, ka-rima, five. Vanaga.

1. Five. P Mgv., Ta.: rima, id. Mq.: ima, id. 2. Arm, hand; rima atakai, obliging, kind, generous, a gift, rima tuku, elbow, rima omo, infidelity, faithless, unfaithful, rima o te kahu, sleeve, kakari rima, wrist. P Pau.: rima, hand, arm. Mgv.: rima, hand, arm, paw, finger. Mq.: ima, hand, arm. Ta.: rima, arm, hand, finger. Rimahakaviriviri, fist, to clench the fist, a blow of the fist. Rimahati, one-armed. Rima ko manaroa, little finger T. Rimamatua neanea, thumb. Rimaroaroa tahaga, middle finger T. Rimatitiri, to walk with the hands behind the back. Rimaruru, to clasp hands. Rimatuhi henna (?) index finger T. Rimatuhi a hana, finger ring T (? ring finger). 3. To lead into error; rimaetua, supernatural, Mq.: imaima, that which returns after a man's death, Ta.: rimaatua, plague, dissension, mortal illness. Churchill.

rima hati Ga1-23

The empty hand is not visible in Ga1-23, but it should implicitly be there. I have chosen Ha3-20 as my prototype for rima hati:

Ha3-17 Ha3-18 Ha3-19 Ha3-20
Ha3-21 Ha3-22 Ha3-23 Ha3-24

The single arm (although repeated thrice in H above) probably refers to the idea of Sun being present only during half his cycle (day or summer).

In Ab6-43 another expression of the single 'arm' of Sun could be the single wing (kara etahi) at the back of the little bird looking ahead:

Ab6-42 Ab6-43 kara etahi