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4. Maybe the figure in Ga1-24 represents the 'sanctuary of the wolf-god':

Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20
Maunga Teatea (?) Mahatua (?)
Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
Taharoa (?) Hanga Hoonu (?) Rangi Meamea (?)

Number 24 is easily connected with midnight, the time of ghostly apparitions. But there is nothing ghostly in atariki in Ga1-24. On the contrary, he is drawn with powerful lines without any gaps in his circumference and he is quite real.

Ga1-24 atariki

The glyph is so distinctly drawn that I once decided to choose it as my prototype for the atariki glyph type. A little dot at right is positioned low in comparison with those in Ga1-20--21.

The location of Ga1-24 is also distinct, because it comes in a postion 'one more' related to a cycle of 260 days:

259 = 7 * 37
Gb1-7 (237) Ga1-24
261 = 9 * 29

In other words, Ga1-23 is the last glyph in this 260-day long cyclebeginning with Gb1-7 (presumably alluding to position 17 in a glyph line, the beginning of a new sequence of glyphs). And ordinal number 237 counted from Gb8-30 is 'one more' than 8 * 29.5:

234 258
Gb8-30 (1) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 Ga1-23
236 = 8 * 29½ = 4 * 59 260 = 13 * 20 = 8 * 32½ = 4 * 65
496 = 16 * 31 = 8 * 62 = 4 * 124

Also Gb1-7 has the 'hour-glass' sign which indicates a point of turning upside down, cfr Ab6-66--67:

Ab6-66 Ab6-67

Number 496 emerges from comparing 236 with 260, and 496 = 4 * 124 which later number in turn seems to be reflected in Ga1-24.

496 is 24 more than the cycle of the text in G.