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3. I will introduce glyph type after glyph type in the order which seems natural during my interpretation of the G text. So far only about half the first glyph line on side a has been 'read':

Gb8-30 Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 Ga1-4 Ga1-5 Ga1-6
Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 Ga1-10 Ga1-11 Ga1-12
Ga1-13 Ga1-14 Ga1-15 Ga1-16

And I have chosen to pick out for discussion the following glyph types (not all of them found among the 17 glyphs above):

puo vaha mea tagata
covered by earth opening fully grown
early dawn before sunrise the beginning of a new season apex
gagana tagata gagana hanau
crab (?) fully grown but dead man birth
2nd half of the year, beyond midsummer (?) end of d:o (?) 'upraised reef' (?)




'eating' offspring little child
season of waxing light son daughter (?)
viri ariki Reitaga
turning around (?) king Tagaroa inside Rumia (?)
cardinal point (?) defines distance from winter solstice (?) Sirius (?)




broken shell (?) staff (?) Belt of Orion (?)
gap in time (?) act of creation (?) origin of 'fire' (?)

Then there are glyph types which are not yet well enough defined and which need to be split up according to their main variants:

vai henua
'egg of light' (?) d:o with 'yolk' (?) rectangular field (?) d:o inundated (?)
'sweet water' of the night (?) 'sweet water' of the day (?) period of 'land' midnight (?)

The above is at least a beginning and I intend to update this list gradually as we advance through the text of G.