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4. There are other pictorial signs than the types of glyph and these too must be listed, for instance:

vaha mea Aa6-67 *Ha7-31
opening head swallowed (?) white (?)
the beginning of a new season onset of rainy season (?) onset of Moon season (?)




birth d:o with right hand changing into 'open mouth' (?)
'upraised reef' (?) spiritual revival (?) d:o with sky dome pushed upwards (?)
viri Aa8-26
turning around (?) 'head' lopped off (?)
cardinal point (?) end of old year (?)
ariki Ga1-5 Ga1-13
king d:o with head flat at the back and with 3 feathers in front d:o with face like toki (?)
defines distance from winter solstice (?) winter solstice (?) d:o with creative force ahead (?)
vai Aa2-37
'egg of light' (?) d:o with 'yolk' (?) developing a 'yolk' (?)
'sweet water' of the night (?) 'sweet water' of the day (?) first day (?)
henua Ga1-3
rectangular field (?) d:o inundated (?) sea (?)
period of 'land' midnight (?) period of 'sea' (?)