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5. I have come to think we maybe should not count puo in Gb8-30 twice if the stars are to be located at their proper places in the G text. Albiero and Sham should be at the beginning:

Gb1-4 Gb1-5 (**298)
Albiero (?)
Gb1-6 (236) Gb1-7 (**299)
Sham (?)
The Family of Aquila
Gb1-8 (**300) Gb1-9 Gb1-10 (240) Gb1-11
Albiero β Cygni 19h 29m 296.5
Sham α Sagittae 19h 38m 298.8
Reda γ Aquilae 19h 44m 300.3
Altair α Aquilae 19h 48m 301.3
Alshain β Aquilae 19h 53m 302.6

If I am right, then e.g. Regulus (at right ascension 10h 06m = day 153.7) ought to be found one glyph later than I have suggested earlier:

Gb7-8 (*11) Gb7-9 (420)
Achird (?)
Ga4-1 Ga4-2 Ga4-3 (87) Ga4-4 (88) Ga4-5 (*153)
Ga4-6 (90) Ga4-7 (**154)
Achir (?)

The sign in front in Ga4-7 could illustrate that with Sun present it becomes dry - there are no poporo berries ahead (at least none growing from a thorny spur).

Likewise should I push Ana-muri and Ana-mua one step ahead:

Aldebaran α Tauri 04h 33m (4 * 60 + 33) / 1440 * 365¼ = 69.2
Antares α Scorpii 16h 26m (16 * 60 + 26) / 1440 * 365¼ = 250.1
Ga1-3 (*68) Ga1-4 (5) Ga1-5 (**69) Ga1-6 (**70)
Ga7-15 (185) Ga7-16 (*250) Ga7-17 (**250) Ga7-18 Ga7-19 (**252)
Ga7-20 (190) Ga7-21 Ga7-22

I am not quite convinced. Maybe there are 4 glyphs for Aldebaran and 5 for Antares (who in a way is bringing 'fire', i.e. summer).