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1. The following 7 prominent stars have so far been discussed briefly:

Caph β Cassiopeiae 2.28 58º 52' N 00h 06m 1.5 62.5
Sirrah α Andromedae 2.07 28º 49' N 00h 06m 1.5 62.5
Algenib γ Pegasi 2.83 14º 54' N 00h 11m 2.8 410.8
Schedir α Cassiopeiae 2.24 56º 16' N 00h 38m 9.6 417.6
Deneb Kaitos β Ceti 2.04 18º 16' S 00h 41m 10.4 418.4
Achird η Cassiopeiae 3.46 57º 33' N 00h 46m 11.7 419.7
Cih γ Cassiopeiae 2.15 60º 26' N 00h 53m 13.4 421.4

I now intend to go on with the interval from 1h to 2h, and the first star in the alphabetical order of my book is the brightly white α Eridani:

Achernar α Eridani 0.45 57º 29' S 01h 36m 24.3 432.3
Gb7-18 (*21) Gb7-19 (430) Gb7-20
Gb7-21 (432) Gb7-22 (*25) Gb7-23 Gb7-24
Gb7-25 (436) Gb7-26 (*29) Gb7-27 Gb7-28 Gb7-29 (*32)

Achernar means the end of the river and Eridanus is the river:

"Achernar is from Al Āhir al Nahr, the End of The River, nearly its present position in the constellation, about 32º from the south pole; but the title was first given to the star now lettered θ, the farthest in the Stream known by Arabian astronomers." (Allen)

In Gb7-21 the fish is rising in complete darkness (as indicated by its tail), and it is a promising candidate for Achernar, because the pattern X-Y-Z ('father-mother-offspring') generates triplets both before and after Achernar. Thus Gb7-21 should be a special case.

Moreover, the head of the fish has a double 'gill' sign, and I imagine it could indicate vai, the sweet water which presumably is running in the river:

Gb7-19 mauga
Gb7-21 vai
Gb7-26 hua

If vai is indicated by a double gill, then a single such could refer to the rhomb inside mauga and it ought then to mean 'hidden from view' (as by a mountain). In koti this sign was used in negative form to indicate a hidden phase, e.g. of Venus:

Pb10-52 Pb10-53 Pb10-54

In Gb7-26 the same fish has a 'cap' sign inside and from it emerges a kind of 'offspring' (Z). In the Saturn chapter we saw that it could refer to Alrisha (α Piscium).