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1. Last in the alphabetical order, among the 10 stars rising in the 2nd hour, is Sheratan (β Arietis):

Caph β Cassiopeiae 2.28 58º 52' N 00h 06m 1.5 409.5
Sirrah α Andromedae 2.07 28º 49' N 00h 06m 1.5 409.5
Algenib γ Pegasi 2.83 14º 54' N 00h 11m 2.8 410.8
Schedir α Cassiopeiae 2.24 56º 16' N 00h 38m 9.6 417.6
Deneb Kaitos β Ceti 2.04 18º 16' S 00h 41m 10.4 418.4
Achird η Cassiopeiae 3.46 57º 33' N 00h 46m 11.7 419.7
Cih γ Cassiopeiae 2.15 60º 26' N 00h 53m 13.4 421.4
Mirach β Andromedae 2.07 35º 21' N 01h 07m 17.0 425.0
Ksora δ Cassiopeia 2.66 59º 59' N 01h 23m 21.1 429.1
Achernar α Eridani 0.45 57º 29' S 01h 36m 24.3 432.3
Polaris α Ursa Minoris 1.97 89º 02' N 01h 49m 27.6 435.6
Baten Kaitos ζ Ceti 3.74 10º 35' S 01h 49m 27.6 435.6
Metallah α Trianguli 3.42 29º 20' N 01h 50m 27.9 435.9
Segin ε Cassiopeia 3.35 63º 25' N 01h 51m 28.2 436.2
Mesarthim γ Arietis 3.88 19º 03' N 01h 51m 28.2 436.2
Sheratan β Arietis 2.64 20º 34' N 01h 52m 28.4 436.4
Alrisha α Piscium 4.33 2º 31' N 01h 59m 30.2 438.2

In my so far completed list of bright stars there are now 7 + 10 = 17 items and I have tried to put them in parallel with the glyphs of G:

1st hour
Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 (411)
Caph (409.5), Sirrah (409.5) Algenib (410.8)
Gb7-1 Gb7-2 Gb7-3 Gb7-4
Gb7-5 Gb7-6 Gb7-7 (418)
    Schedir (417.6), Deneb Kaitos (418.4)
Gb7-8 Gb7-9 (420) Gb7-10 Gb7-11
Achird (419.7) Cih (421.4)
2nd hour
Gb7-12 (*15) Gb7-13 Gb7-14 (425) Gb7-15 Gb7-16 Gb7-17 (*20)
    Mirach (425.0)      
Gb7-18 (429) Gb7-19 Gb7-20 Gb7-21 (432)
Ksora (429.1)     Achernar (432.3)
Gb7-22 Gb7-23 Gb7-24 Gb7-25 (436) Gb7-26 Gb7-27
     Polaris (435.6), Baten Kaitos (435.6), Metallah (435.9), Segin (436.2), Mesarthim (436.2), Sheratan (436.4) Alrisha (438.2)

My model assumes 1h coincides with 15.2 days counted from Rogo in Gb6-26 (because 60 / 1440 * 365.25 = 15.2).

To get rid of 0.2 we could instead use a year with 360 days (= 360º), and then 15º will correspond to half a month.

60 / 1440 * 360 = 15 and each right ascension minute would then correspond to exactly a ¼ of day (= 6 hours).

Sheratan, for example, would then be at day number 112 / 1440 * 360 = 28.0. This will be precisely at Gb7-25, because 408 + 28 = 436.

Although such a model seems to be better, it does not, however, fit a reality which has a year with 365.25 days. I will therefore keep my so far used model.

After another 15.2 days 2h will be reached, and 408 + 15.2 + 15.2 = 438.4 is the corresponding glyph number. Alrisha - the 'knot' in Pisces - is at the very end of the 2nd hour.

Counting glyphs there are (3 + 4) + (3 + 4) = 14 in the 1st hour and 6 + 4 + 6 = 16 in the 2nd hour, together 30. Converting right ascension minutes for the first 2 hours into days means dividing 120 by 4.