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4. The 2nd of my tables concerns the Path of Anu:

23 Equatorial stars on the Path of Anu

The Field

the seat of Ea, which leads the stars of Anu 1
The star at the Field

the Swallow

The star behind the Field


The star behind it

the Hired Man


The Star Cluster

the Seven Gods, the great gods 5

The Bull of Heaven

the Bull's Jaw, the Crown of Anu 6

The True Shepherd of Anu

Papsukal, the messenger of Anu and Ishtar 7
The Twins who are opposite the True Shepherd of Anu

Lulal and Latarak

The star behind him

the Rooster


The Arrow

the arrow of the great god Ninurta 11
The Bow the Elamite Ishtar, the daughter of Anu 12
The Serpent Ningishzida, lord of the Underworld 13
The Raven the star of Adad 14
The Furrow Shala with her ear of barley 15
The Scales the Horn of the Scorpion 16


the Eagle

the Dead Man


Once again it is evident that counting and structure (which is just an aspect of counting) must be read together with the verbal expressions. To reach 23 stars on the Path (with a capital letter) of Anu we need 4 (hidden) supporters.

23 Equatorial stars on the Path of Anu
Field, the seat of Ea, which leads the stars of Anu  (The 4 stars of the Square of Pegasus)
The star at the Field, the
Swallow (The head & neck of Pegasus, & the western fish of Pisces)
The star behind the Field,
Anunitum (The northern fish of Pisces)
The star behind it, the
Hired Man, Dumuzi  (Aries)
Star Cluster, the Seven Gods, the great gods  (The Pleiades)
Bull of Heaven, the Bull's Jaw, the Crown of Anu  (Taurus, or at least its head)
True Shepherd of Anu, Papsukal, the messenger of Anu and Ishtar  (Orion)
The Twins who are opposite the True Shepherd of Anu,
Lulal and Latarak (Cetus & part of Eridanus)
The star behind him, the
Rooster (Lepus)
Arrow, the arrow of the great god Ninurta  (The star Sirius & probably other stars in Canis Major)
Bow, the Elamite Ishtar, the daughter of Anu  (Puppis)
Serpent, Ningishzida, lord of the Underworld  (Hydra)
Raven, the star of Adad  (Corvus)
Furrow, Shala with her ear of barley  (The eastern part of Virgo)
Scales, the Horn of the Scorpion  (Libra)
Zababa, the Eagle and the Dead Man (The eastern part of Ophiuchus; Aquilla; Sagitta)