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5. The 3rd table describes the Path of Ea:

15 Southern stars on the Path of Ea
The Fish Ea, the lead star of the stars of Ea  1
The Great One Ea The Star of Eridu Ea   2-3
The star to his right Ninmah 4
The Wild Boar Ningirsu  5
The star to its side the Harrow the weapon of Mar-biti, within which one sees the Abyss 6
The two stars that are behind him Shullat and Hanish Shamas and Adad 7-8
The star behind them, rises like Ea and sets like Ea Numushda Adad 9
The star to the left of the Scorpion the Mad Dog Kusu 10
The Scorpion Ishhara, the governess of the lands 11
The Breast of the Scorpion Lisi and Nabu 12-13
The two stars on the Stinger of the Scorpion Sharur and Shargaz 14-15
The star behind them Pabilsag 16
The Cargo-Boat the Goatfish 17-18

Here, down in the Underworld, there is no addition with 4 supporters - such cannot stand on water. Instead my number 18 must be reduced by 3 in order to reach the intended 15 'stars'.

Everything is upside down in the Underworld. And +4 above becomes -3 down there, as if it was necessary to change not only one dimension but also all the others.

Reducing by 3 is can be done by combining Lisi and Nabu and the following 2 items into single 'stars'.

Number 14 can then be reached by putting the Great One equal to the Star of Eridu.

15 Southern stars on the Path of Ea
Fish, Ea, the lead star of the stars of Ea  (Pisces Austrinus)
Great One, Ea. The Star of Eridu, Ea  (Aquarius; Vela)
The star to his right,
Ninmah (Vela)
Wild Boar, Ningirsu  (Most of Centaurus)
The star to its side, the
Harrow, the weapon of Mar-biti, within which one sees the Abyss  (The western part of Centaurus)
The two stars that are behind him,
Shullat and Hanish, Shamas and Adad  (Two stars in Centaurus)
The star behind them, rises like Ea and sets like Ea,
Numushda, Adad  (Unknown, possibly part of the Milky Way)
The star to the left of the Scorpion, the
Mad Dog, Kusu  (Lupus)
Scorpion, Ishhara, the governess of the lands  (Scorpio)
The Breast of the Scorpion,
Lisi and Nabu (The star Antares in Scorpio)
The two stars on the Stinger of the Scorpion,
Sharur and Shargaz (The stars Lambda and Nu in Scorpio)
The star behind them,
Pabilsag (Sagittarius)
Cargo-Boat and the Goatfish (Corona Australis; Capricorn)