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3. In my chapter Hanga Hoonu I have retold (from Manuscript E) how Sun in form of Kuukuu was struck by a flipper. This is the story:

"... They all sat down and rested [on the plain of Oromanga], when suddenly they saw that a turtle had reached the shore and had crawled up on the beach. He [Ira] looked at it and said, 'Hey, you! The turtle has come on land!' He said, 'Let's go! Let's go back to the shore.' They all went to pick up the turtle. Ira was the first one to try to lift the turtle - but she didn't move.

Then Raparenga said, 'You do not have the necessary ability. Get out of my way so that I can have a try!' Raparenga stepped up and tried to lift the turtle - but Raparenga could not move her. Now you spoke, Kuukuu: 'You don't have the necessary ability, but I shall move this turtle. Get out of my way!' Kuukuu stepped up, picked up the turtle, using all his strength. After he had lifted the turtle a little bit, he pushed her up farther. No sooner had he pushed her up and lifted her completely off the ground when she struck Kuukuu with one fin. She struck downward and broke Kuukuu's spine. The turtle got up, went back into the (sea) water, and swam away. All the kinsmen spoke to you (i.e. Kuukuu): 'Even you did not prevail against the turtle!'

They put the injured Kuukuu on a stretcher and carried him inland. They prepared a soft bed for him in the cave and let him rest there. They stayed there, rested, and lamented the severely injured Kuukuu. Kuukuu said, 'Promise me, my friends, that you will not abandon me!' They all replied, 'We could never abandon you!' They stayed there twenty-seven days in Oromanga. Everytime Kuukuu asked, 'Where are you, friends?' they immediately replied in one voice, 'Here we are!' They all sat down and thought. They had an idea and Ira spoke, 'Hey, you! Bring the round stones (from the shore) and pile them into six heaps of stones!' One of the youths said to Ira, 'Why do we want heaps of stone?' Ira replied, 'So that we can all ask the stones to do something.' They took (the material) for the stone heaps (pipi horeko) and piled up six heaps of stone at the outer edge of the cave.

Then they all said to the stone heaps, 'Whenever he calls, whenever he calls for us, let your voices rush (to him) instead of the six (of us) (i.e., the six stone heaps are supposed to be substitutes for the youths). They all drew back to profit (from the deception) (? ki honui) and listened. A short while later, Kuukuu called. As soon as he had asked, 'Where are you?' the voices of the stone heaps replied, 'Here we are!' All (the youths) said, 'Hey, you! That was well done!' ..."

The same idea, of fin-like limbs in winter, was shared by Ogotemmêli:

... During his descent the ancestor still possessed the quality of a water spirit, and his body, though preserving its human appearance, owing to its being that of a regenerated man, was equipped with four flexible limbs like serpents after the pattern of the arms of the Great Nummo ...

And we have seen fins depicted in India too:

A haati sign should mean winter is leaving = the arrival of summer and when it is inverted it should mean the arrival of winter = summer is leaving. But south of the equator the season is the opposite of what happens north of the equator (and in the sky), and maybe, therefore, this can explain why Kuukuu was struck by the (not inverted) flipper of the Turtle when she came ashore - the Turtle could be a sign in the sky roof and her heliacal rising could on Easter Island announce the arrival of winter.

At the beginning of side b haati has been used twice, and it could refer to the 2 wives of Sun (Waxing and Waning Moon):

Gb1-13 Gb1-14 Gb1-15 Gb1-16 (246) Gb1-17 Gb1-18 Gb1-19

If so, it could be a sign of the season of the 2 Queens arriving. We have earlier found Regulus (Achir) - with right ascension 10h 06m = day 153.7 - at the beginning of line a4 (cfr at Achird):

Ga4-5 (*153) Ga4-6 (90) Ga4-7
Achir (?)

246 - 90 = 156 = 12 * 13 (and 24 * 6 = 12 * 12). My conclusion is that someone is leaving around glyph number 246 and it ought to be Sun. 246 = 2 * 123 suggests the arrival of a new season ('limb').

Ga4-5 (*153) Ga4-6 (90) Ga4-7
Leo (?)
Ga7-15 (*249) Ga7-16 (186) Ga7-17
Scorpio (?)
Gb1-15 (*309) Gb1-16 (246) Gb1-17
Capricorn (?)