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5. North of the equator Regulus must be leaving at the same time. There he rises heliacally at autumn equinox:.

North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 (89) autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 (181) winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 (275) spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 (365) summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½
Ga4-5 (89) Ga4-6 (*154) Ga4-7

Day number 87 + 2 = 89 south of the equator corresponds to day number 275 + 2 = 277 north of the equator if we count from winter solstice, or to day number 266 + 2 = 268 according to our own calendar. Both number 277 and number 268 are significant in the rongorongo texts.

Autumn equinox is day number 266 on both sides of the equator, though in the north our calendar must begin 9 days beyond winter solstice in order to reach that number.

If we add 277 to the time when Saturn (according to Ga4-4) devours winter the result is 88 + 277 = 365, the last day of the solar year, the day of winter solstice. If we add 277 to the day of summer solstice (day 177) the result is 177 + 277 - 365 = 89, which is spring equinox north of the equator.

What made me propose an additional position for Regulus was the following:

Achird η Cassiopejae 3.46 57º 33' N 00h 46m 11.7 419.7
Regulus α Leonis 1.36 12º 13' N 10h 06m 153.7 89.7

... However, it is a remarkable fact that if we add 266 + 153.7 for Regulus his position will be in day number 419.7 counted from the previous winter solstice. I.e., it could very well be the body of Regulus which is depicted as hidden in Gb7-8--9. 266 + 11.7 = 277.7 for Achird is 101 days beyond summer solstice, reflecting the fact that Achird north of the equator is rising 101 days beyond winter solstice. Possibly 'one more' was a concept which once determined which stars to choose for the cardinal points. 365 = 364 + 1 and 181 = 180 + 1 ...

By adding 266 to 153.7 (the day number for Regulus counted from the current spring equinox north of the equator) we reached 419.7 = the day number for Achird counted from what according to the G text possibly was meant to be winter solstice south of the equator (viz. puo in Gb8-30).

Day number 153.7 counted from day number 89 (spring equinox north of the equator) implies there are 242.7 days from winter solstice north of the equator. South of the equator it will be equal to a position of Regulus 242.7 days from summer solstice. Maybe this has to do with why there are 242 glyphs on side b.

Summer solstice is at day number 177 and we will reach number 419.7 by adding 242.7 to 177. That is, 153.7 + 266 = 153.7 + 89 + 177 = 419.7. And if we discard 0.7 and count Regulus to be at day number 153, then he will be 123 (!) days before winter solstice north of the equator and 61 days after winter solstice south of the equator:

North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 (89) autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 (181) winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
Regulus 233.7 (242.7) Regulus 419.7 (= 358 + 61.7)
autumn equinox 266 (275) spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 (365) summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

Perhaps Rogo in Gb1-3 is related to day number 233 in our own calendar:

Gb1-1 Gb1-2 Gb1-3 (233)

If we count from Rogo in Gb1-3 to tamaiti in Gb7-3, the distance is 180 days:

Gb1-3 (233) Gb7-1 Gb7-2 Gb7-3 (414)

If we count from Rogo in Gb1-3 to what could be Algenib, the distance is 177 days:

Gb1-3 (233) Gb6-26 Gb6-27 (*2) Gb6-28
177 Algenib ?
Algenib γ Pegasi 2.83 14º 54' N 00h 11m 2.8 410.8