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The last glyph on side a was where Alrami (the Archer, α Sagittarii) rose with the Sun - which was at another maitaki sign where the central mata is shown to be the origin of something. It could be a reference to Wasat, rising with the Sun in the middle of summer half a year away:

NOVEMBER 1 2 (306) 3 (*227) 4 5
Ga8-22 Ga8-23 Ga8-24 (227) Ga8-25 Ga8-26
19h (289.2) Al Baldah-19 ALADFAR = η Lyrae (291.1), NODUS II = δ Draconis (291.5), ψ Sagittarii (291.6), τ Draconis (291.7), θ Lyrae (291.8) ω Aquilae (292.1), ρ Sagittarii (292.6), υ Sagittarii (292.7) π Draconis, ARKAB PRIOR = β¹ Sagittarii (293.0), ARKAB POSTERIOR = β² Sagittarii, ALRAMI = α Sagittarii (293.2), χ Sagittarii (293.6)
λ Aquilae (Ant.) (289.1), γ Cor. Austr (289.3), τ Sagittarii (289.4), ι Lyrae (289.5), δ Cor. Austr. (289.8) AL BALDAH = π Sagittarii, ALPHEKKA MERIDIANA = α Cor. Austr. (290.1), β Cor. Austr. (290.2)
January 4 5 (*290) 6 7 (372) 8
°December 31 °January 1 2 (*287) 3 (368) 4
'December 8 9 10 (*264) 11 (345) 12
"November 24 25 (329) 26 (*250) 27 28
MAY 3 (123) 4 5 (*45) 6 (*411) 7 (492)
WEZEN = δ Canis Majoris (107.1), τ Gemini (107.7), δ Monocerotis (107.9) no star listed (108) λ Gemini (109.4), WASAT (Middle) = δ Gemini (109.8) no star listed (110) ALUDRA = η Canis Majoris (111.1), PROPUS = ι Gemini (111.4),  GOMEISA = β Canis Minoris (111.6)
July 6 (*107) 7 8 9 (190) 10
°July 2 3 (184) 4 5 6 (*107)
'June 9 10 (161) 11 12 13 (*84)
"May 26 27 28 (148) 29 30 (*70)
Ga2-13 Ga2-14 Ga2-15 (45) Ga2-16 Ga2-17

Posssibly we should understand the last 5 glyphs on side a as a description of a transition ahead from reading heliacally according to the Gregorian calendar to reading nakshatra wise according to the time when the First Point of Aries (Sheratan, β Arietis) was at 0h.

ºJuly 6 was 107 days after 0h and 229 - 224 (Nunki) = 5:

Ga8-21 Ga8-22 (225) Ga8-23 Ga8-24 (227) Ga8-25 Ga8-26
30 (*284) zero ºJanuary 1 (366) 2 3 4
°December 30 5

Hevelius has Alrami at the left leg of his centaur, rising in the same day as the twin stars Arkab Prior (β¹ Sagittarii) and Arkab Posterior (β² Sagittarii):

But χ¹ and χ² were higher up, at his spine and after ψ.

We should remember the Sirius fishhook in 'June 30, which perhaps could indicate a change of view from heliacal Gregorian to nakshatra Sheratan:

MAY 1 (*41) 183 + 27 - 4 - 1 = 205 NOVEMBER 23 (*247)
Ga2-11 (41) Gb1-18 (247)
ºJune 30 (181) 'June 30 (181)

From heliacal to nakshatra position we have to add 183. And at the time of rongorongo Sheratan was 27 days after 0h, which means we have to add also 27 (reaching 210).

But at the time of Gregory XIII the distance to Sheratan would have been only 27 - 4 = 23 precessional days, which explains the subtraction with 4 days. Finally we have to reduce with 1 because 205 is the number of days between Gb1-18 and Ga2-11, not the distance from Ga2-11 to Gb1-18.