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1. I have suggested there is a resemblance between these 6 glyphs in the text of Tahua and the last 6 glyphs among those 16 of our example text:

Aa8-25 Aa8-26 Aa8-27 Aa8-28 Aa8-29 Aa8-30
Eb7-11 Eb7-12 Eb7-13 Eb7-14 Eb7-15 Eb7-16

But for the eye of the beginner hardly anything seems to support my statement. The expressions are totally different. My task now is to provide arguments to 'prove' I am right.

To begin with we have only one such argument, viz. that Metoro who helped me name the glyph type in Aa8-26 as viri also has told us that Eb7-12 is atua mata viri. We can add that both Aa8-26 and Eb7-12 are Sun-days (though 14 days apart).

The open hand (meaning 'empty') is a sign which occurs also in Aa8-25, and we cannot demand that such a sign must come at viri in Aa8-26 only because it is found at atua mata viri in Eb7-12. In different expressions telling the same 'story' the 'words' can be different, and if they happen to be the same, then they can come somewhere else in the 'sentence'.

Anyhow, 'empty' probably refers to how the old year has nothing more to offer, a statement reasonable to begin with if the subject matter is how the old year is ending and how a new year will be born (which I believe is the story).