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2. Next I wish to point at the very high neck of the 'person' in Aa8-25:

Aa8-25 Aa8-26 Aa8-27 Aa8-28 Aa8-29 Aa8-30
Eb7-11 Eb7-12 Eb7-13 Eb7-14 Eb7-15 Eb7-16

Saturn is the planet with highest 'status' (and at the bottom of the 'ladder' is Mercury). High in status is correlated with a high position and Saturn is the planet most far away from (high up from) Sun.

In Eb7-11 we have the same type of statement, Saturn (presumably residing in the 'crown' of the 'tree') is very far from the 'nut' at bottom.

From the thumb in Aa8-25 comes a straight vertical line. It leads to a little fish which is half black and half light. Is this once again a sign which measures out the long distance between Saturn and Sun?

The thumb is similar to the foot - they are instruments for generating 'fruit'. My glyph type hua illustrates it:

Aa8-25 hua

1. Testicle. 2. Figuratively: son, hua tahi, only son; fruits of the earth; to grow well (of fruits). 3. To cause a fight, a quarrel. Hua-ai, generation, as lineage of direct descendents; contemporaries. Huahua, coccyx of bird, 'parson's nose': huahua moa, huahua uha. Huataru, a creeper (Chenopodium ambiguum).

1. The same; ki hua, again, to continue, to strain, to struggle, to move, to repeat, over and above. Mq.: hua, the same, to return, to recommence.  2. To bloom, to sprout; flower, fruit (huaa); huaa tae oko, huaa vahio, young fruit; hua atahi, only son; huahaga, fruit; mei te huahaga o tokoe kopu, the fruit of thy body; tikea huahaga, deceptive appearance. P Pau.: ua, to be born; huahaga, lineage. Mgv.: hua, to produce (said of trees, grain, etc.), blooming time of flowers, abundance of fruit. Mq.: hua, to produce, to bear fruit. Ta.: ua, to sprout. Huahua. 1. Tailless fowl. 2. Vein, tendon, line. 3. Mgv.: huahua, pimples covering the face. Ta.: huahua, id. Mq.: hua, tubercules. Sa.: fuafua, abscess on hand or feet. Ma.: huahua, small pimples. Pau.: Hua-gakau, rupture. Ta.: áau, entrails. Sa.: ga'au, id. Ma.: ngakau, id.

1. Fruit. 2. Egg. 3. Tā hua = 'genealogical writing' or 'same writing'.

Possibly the little hanging fish is the 'fruit' generated by Saturn, viz. a new fire (Sun).

There is a vertical (or nearly so) line also in Eb7-14, and in Aa8-25 there are 2 such lines - in addition to the line down to the little fish we must notice the prolonged line of the right side of the neck. The 'hole' in the belly could be the same type of sign as that at bottom in Eb7-14, and the 'person' is Rogo:

Eb7-14 Aa8-25 Rogo

Does it mean 'Old Rogo is emptied'. Maybe atua mata viri is referring to Rogo in his last developmental stage. The glyph type tagata rere could be the 'manu rere' of Rogo, i.e. a combination of two concepts - 'fully grown' (tagata) and the living spirit leaving the body (rere):

tagata rere Eb7-12 Rogo