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6. Let us now see what Metoro had to say about the matter. Obviously Aa8-24 belongs together with Aa8-25 and Aa8-31 together with Aa8-30 and we can therefore perceive a group with 8 glyphs:

Aa8-24 Aa8-25 Aa8-26 Aa8-27
ka tuu i te toga ka hura ia - te hura - mau uau kua viri i to vero hia
Aa8-28 Aa8-29 Aa8-30 Aa8-31
e tapamea ma te hokohuki ka puhi i te ahi i te toga nui e hua o te pua

His ma te hokohuki at the reversed tapa mea in the Mercury (Ohiro) position is unclear in meaning, but he was consistent because he said so also at a similarly positioned tapa mea in the 'daytime calendar':

ma te hokohuki

In Aa8-24 we recognize the head down position, similar to how at the beginning of the rainy season Spring Sun goes down with head first:

Aa8-24 Gb1-7

Instead of 3 + 3 = 6 'feathers' (as in Gb1-7) there are only 2 barren Y-branches, presumably referring to the last stage of autumn, when everything has turned into 'straw'. Metoro commented ka tuu i te toga, and whatever he meant he evidently referred to winter (toga).

Among the various meanings connected with tu'u we should notice tu'u-toga, eel-fishing using a line weighted with stones and a hook with bait, so that the line reaches vertically straight down to the bottom of the sea:


1. To stand erect. 2. Mast, pillar, post.

1. To stand erect, mast, pillar, post; tuu noa, perpendicular; tanu ki te tuu, to set a post; hakatu tuu, to step a mast; tuu hakamate tagata, gallows; hakatuu, to erect, to establish, to inactivate, to form, immobile, to set up, to raise. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tu, to stand up. 2. To exist, to be. Mgv.: tu, life, being, existence. 3. To accost, to hail; tuu mai te vaka, to hail the canoe. Mgv.: tu, a cry, a shout. 4. To rejoin; tuua to be reunited. 5. Hakatuu, example, mode, fashion, model, method, measure, to number. PS Sa.: tu, custom, habit. Fu.: tuu, to follow the example of. 6. Hakatuu, to disapprove; hakatuu riri, to conciliate, to appease wrath. 7. Hakatuu, to presage, prognostic, test. 8. Hakatuu, to taste. 9. Hakatuu, to mark, index, emblem, seal, sign, symbol, trace, vestige, aim; hakatuu ta, signature; akatuu, symptom; hakatuua, spot, mark; hakatuhaga, mark; hakatuutuu, demarcation.

1. To arrive: tu'u-mai. 2. Upright pole; to stand upright (also: tutu'u). 3. To guess correctly, to work out (the meaning of a word) correctly: ku-tu'u-á koe ki te vânaga, you have guessed correctly [the meaning of] the word. 4. To hit the mark, to connect (a blow). 5. Ku-tu'u pehé, is considered as... ; te poki to'o i te me'e hakarere i roto i te hare, ku-tu'u-á pehé poki ra'ura'u, a child who takes things that have been left in the house is considered as a petty thief. Tu'u aro, northwest and west side of the island. Tu'u haígoígo, back tattoo. Tu'u haviki, easily angered person.Tu'u-toga, eel-fishing using a line weighted with stones and a hook with bait, so that the line reaches vertically straight to the bottom of the sea. Tu'utu'u, to hit the mark time and again. Tu'utu'u îka, fish fin (except the tail fin, called hiku).

... To the Polynesian and to the Melanesian has come no concept of bare existence; he sees no need to say of himself 'I am', always 'I am doing', 'I am suffering'. It is hard for the stranger of alien culture to relinquish his nude idea of existence and to adopt the island idea; it is far more difficult to acquire the feeling of the language and to accomplish elegance in the diction under these unfamiliar conditions. Take for an illustrative example these two sentences from the Viti: Sa tiko na tamata e kila: there are (sit) men who know. Sa tu mai vale na yau: the goods are (stand) in the house. The use of tu for tiko and of tiko for tu would not produce incomprehensibility, but it would entail a loss of finish in diction, it would stamp the speaker as vulgar, as a white man ... Savage life is far too complex; it is only in rich civilization that we can rise to the simplicity of elemental concepts ...