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7. The following Saturday (Aa8-25) has another type of fish than the one exhibited in the preceding glyph:

Aa8-24 Aa8-25 Aa8-26 Aa8-27
ka tuu i te toga ka hura ia - te hura - mau uau kua viri i to vero hia
Aa8-28 Aa8-29 Aa8-30 Aa8-31
e tapamea ma te hokohuki ka puhi i te ahi i te toga nui e hua o te pua

If the black-and-white tiny fish in Saturday represents Sun, then the larger fish in Friday should be Moon. Venus is a female like Moon and Saturn is hardwired to the following Sun. Furthermore, the straight down line in Aa8-25 is in contrast to the softly bending line in Aa8-24, signs of male respectively female.

Fishing seems to be associated with hura, but the meaning is not clear:


1. To fish with a small funnel-shaped net tied to the end of a pole. This fishing is done from the shore; fishing with the same net, but swimming, is called tukutuku. 2. To be active, to get moving when working: ka hura, ka aga! come on, get moving! to work! 3. Tagata gutu hura, a flatterer, a flirt, a funny person, a witty person. Hurahura, to dance, to swing.

1. Sling. In his brilliant study of the distribution of the sling in the Pacific tracts, Captain Friederici makes this note (Beiträge zur Völker- und Sprachenkunde von Deutsch-Neuguinea, page 115b): 'Such, though somewhat modified, is the case in Rapanui, Easter Island. The testimony of all the reporters who have had dealings with these people is unanimous that stones of two to three pounds weight, frequently sharp chunks of obsidian, were thrown by the hand; no one mentions the use of slings. Yet Roussel includes this weapon in his vocabulary and calls it hura. In my opinion this word can be derived only from the Mangareva verb kohura, to throw a stone or a lance. So far as we know Rapanui has received its population in part by way of Mangareva.' To this note should be added the citation of kirikiri ueue as exhibiting this particular use of ueue in which the general sense is the transitive shake. 2. Fife, whistle, drum, trumpet, to play; hurahura, whistle. P Mq.: hurahura, dance, divertissement, to skip. Ta.: hura, to leap for joy. Pau.: hura-viru, well disposed. Churchill.

H. Hula, a swelling, a protuberance under the arm or on the thigh. Churchill 2.

Metoro's mau uau is equally unclear. Better can we understand his words at Aa8-30--31: ka puhi i te ahi i te toga nui - e hua o te pua. A fire (ahi) is being blown upon (puhi) in the great darkness (winter), i te toga nui.

And the 'fruit' (hua) of the 'flower' (o te pua) could mean that a new 'fire' is generated from the ginger root. Pua means ginger:


Pua. 1. A zingiberacea (plant of which few specimens are left on the island). 2. Flower: pua ti, ti flower, pua taro, taro flower, pua maúku pasture flower; pua nakonako, a plant which grows on steep slopes and produce red, edible berries. 3. Pua tariga (or perhaps pu'a tariga), anciently, hoops put in earlobes. 4. The nanue fish when young and tender. Puapua, summit, top, upper part; te puapua o te maúga, the top of the mountain; te puapua kupega, the upper part of a fishing net.

Pu'a. 1. (Modern form of pu'o), to cover up something or oneself, to put on; ka-pu'a te ha'u, put on your hat; ka-pu'a-mai te nua, cover me up with a blanket. 2. To respond to the song of the first group of singers; to sing the antistrophe; he-pu'a te tai. 3. To help; ka-pu'a toou rima ki a Timo ite aga, help Timothy with the work. 4. Pu'a-hare, to help a relative in war or in any need; ka-oho, ka-pu'a-hare korua, ko ga kope, go, give your relative a hand, lads. 5. To speak out in someone's favour; e pu'a-mai toou re'o kia au, speak in my favour, intercede for me. Pu'apu'a, to hit, to beat.

1. Flower, ginger, soap; pua mouku, grass. 2. To grease, to coat with tar, to pitch; pua ei meamea, to make yellow. Puapua, a piece of cloth. Mgv.: pua, a flower, turmeric, starchy matter of the turmeric and hence soap. Mq.: pua, a flower, soap. Ta.: pua, id. Ma.: puapua, cloth wrapped about the arm.

From kava at left a sign which may be mauga (mountain or darkness) is generated in front, and behind it are 3 + 3 'feathers':

kava mauga Aa8-31