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4. Eb7-1--2 evidently represent 2 extra months needed in order to increase 14 to 16, and they are located at the beginning of the year (in the same way as Ohiro is at the beginning of the month). Light is not truly there until after 2 months:

end of the old one
Eb7-1 Eb7-2
front side
Eb7-3 Eb7-4
Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-7 Eb7-8 Eb7-9
back side
Eb7-10 Eb7-11
Eb7-12 Eb7-13 Eb7-14 Eb7-15 Eb7-16

The pattern then repeats itself in Sun-day not arriving at once but only after 2 months (Venus-Saturn). The front side has 2 + 5 = 7 months and the same pattern is exhibited on the back side. Sun has 5 months on the front side, beginning with Eb7-5 and ending with Jupiter at Eb7-9 (where 'the tree' is sinking low).The pattern on the back side is similar, though Sun is no longer present.

A calendar with 16 months can be said to contain 2 + (2 + 5) + (2 + 5) = 2 + 14 months.

And the 'week' does not begin with Sun-day, nor with the day of the Mad Hatter, but with Venus. And she has 2 faces, morning and evening star, which the Polynesians expressed in various different ways (ref. Makemson):

Hawaiian Islands

Society Islands


New Zealand


Hoku-loa, Great Star. Hoku-alii, Chiefess-star. Ta'urua-i-te-pati-fetia, Festivity-that-leads-the-stars. Ta'urua-e-hiti-i-Matavai, Festivity-that-rises-over-Matavai. Takurua-i-te-pongipongi, Takurua-of-early-dawn. Takurua-i-te-ahiahi, Bright-star-of-evening-twilight. Meremere, Voice-of-joy. Meremere-tu-ahiahi, Evening star. Fetu-aho, Star-of-dawn. Tu-afiafi, Stand-in-the-twilight; evening star.