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7. In *Ha7-39, a Saturday, there is a reversed tapa mea at left, and we can conclude Spring Sun in form of Mars presumably was 'swallowed' in the hole of *Ha7-35:

*Ha7-34 *Ha7-35 *Ha7-36 *Ha7-37
*Ha7-38 *Ha7-39 *Ha7-40 (384)

The person with spread out legs (in the center of *Ha7-39) is of a type I have named hanau, which means 'birth', and a little hau tea without mata presumably illustrates the newborn 'baby', a sort without light. The toki sign above possibly indicates an act of creation:

toki *Ha7-39

Small basalt axe. Stone adze. Ha'amoe ra'a toki = 'Put the adze to sleep' (i.e. hide it in the temple during the night). Month of the ancient Rapanui calendar.

To'i. T. Stone adze (e to'i purepure = with the wounderful adze).

The Araukan Indians in the coastal area of northern Chile, have customs similar to those on the Marquesas and in both areas toki means adze according to José Imbelloni. The Araukans also called their chief of war toki and the ceremonial adze symbolized his function and was exhibited at the outbreak of war. In Polynesia Toki was the name of a chief elevated by the Gods and his sign was the blade of a toki.

Axe, stone hatchet, stone tool ...; maea toki, hard slates, black, red, and gray, used for axes T. P Pau.: toki, to strike, the edge of tools, an iron hatchet. Mgv.: toki, an adze. Mq.: toki, axe, hatchet. Ta.: toi, axe.

The glyph type in *Ha7-40 (where 7 * 40 = 280 = 10 * 28) is atariki, possibly meaning something like 'the king of shadows', but anyhow an important cardinal point.


Ata 1. Dawn, first light before sunrise; ku-hamu-á te ata , dawn has broken; ku-tehe-á te ata, it's already dawn (lit.: the lights have flown). 2. Particle inserted between the imperative prefix ka and the verb to signify 'well, carefully, intelligently': ka-ata-hakarivariva, prepare it well. Between the prefix e and kahara it expresses 'to make sure that, to take good care that...' : e-ata-kahara koe o oona, be careful not to get dirty; e-ata-kahara koe o kori te moa o te tahi pa, be sure not to steal chickens of another property. 3. More: iti, small; ata iti, smaller; he-ata-ata iti-iti ró, the smallest of all.

Âta 1. Shadow: he-veveri te poki, ana tikea toona âta, the child is frightened at seeing his shadow; person's reflection (in mirror, in water): he âta oou-á, it's your own reflection. 2. To be frightened by a shadow: he-âta te îka, the fish are frightened (and they flee) by people's shadows.

1. Image, picture, portrait, design; to draw, to paint (shadow sense). P Mgv: ata, image, likeness, portrait, shadow of a human being, form, shape, appearance, imprint, impression. Mq.: ata, image, statue, portrait, shadow, surface; to design, to mark. Ta.: ata, shade, shadow appearance, form, representation of an object, cloud, cloudy. 2. Transparency, end of day, sunset (bright sense); e ata, red clouds; ku ata, transparent; ata mea, ata tea, ata tehe, dawn, daybreak, sunrise; ataata, end of day, sunset. P Mgv.: ata, morning or evening twilight, daybreak, dawn; ata haihai, evening twilight, a beautiful sunset; ataiai, twilight, clouds red with the sunset; atakurakura, a beautiful sunrise or sunset; atareureu, dawn, the first peep of day, morning twilight. Mq.: ata, to appear, to rise, to shine (of stars); ata uá, morning twilight; ataata, diaphanous, transparent. Ta.: ata, twilight. 3. A designation of space; ata hakahohonu, abyss; ata hakaneke mai, nearby, close at hand; ata tapa, lateral, marginal. 4 ? Ata kimikimi, to inquire; ata puo, to hill a plant; ata ui, to examine, to taste.

Atahenua (ata 3 - henua 1), landscape, countryside. Atakai: 1. Generous, hospitable, beneficent, indulgent, liberal, obliging; prodigality, indulgence; rima atakai, benevolent, generous, open-handed; gift, liberality. 2. Calm, unperturbed, grateful.

Ata-ta T, evening (? ataata). Atatehe (ata 2 - tehe 1), dawn; popohaga atatehe, morning, early in the morning.

We have earlier found a plausible place for where Sun is ending his 10 months, viz. where the damage caused by burning on side a of the tablet probably made the creator of the text locate day 295:

... ... ...
Ha6-16 Ha6-17 Ha6-18 Ha6-19 *Ha6-20 (295) *Ha6-21 *Ha6-22
... ...
*Ha6-23 *Ha6-24 *Ha6-25 *Ha6-26 *Ha6-27 *Ha6-28 *Ha6-29

The distance ahead to atariki in *Ha7-40 is ca 90 days, or a quarter. Therefore another structure could have governed the location of the events in line a7 - it is probably not the time of the end of 300 days (or similar) of Sun.