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8. The other main alternative to consider (after having abandoned 300 days as not plausible) is to count to 260 and to start counting from another point in time than from winter solstice. In G this alternative was used, we know:

4 * 26 = 104 258
Ga4-21 Gb5-10 (364)
14 * 26 = 364

Furthermore, in G the only atariki glyph is located 260 + 1 days beyond day number 236:

259 = 7 * 37
Gb1-7 (237) Ga1-24

What signs are then in the text of H located at ordinal number 124 (= 384 - 260)? A toa with a single 4-feathered maro hanging down in front:

259 = 7 * 37
Ha3-16 (124) *Ha7-40 (384)

From Gb1-7 in day number 237 there could be 261 (= 9 * 29) days of 'night', but the 4-feathered toa cum maro in Ha3-16 should rather mean that 'night' is ending. If so, then the following 'day' could be ending with Saturn in *Ha7-39, it seems.

*Ha7-34 *Ha7-35 *Ha7-36 *Ha7-37
*Ha7-38 *Ha7-39 *Ha7-40 (384)

Vaha kai in *Ha7-35 is glyph number 256 (= 8 * 32 = 16 * 16) counted from Ha3-16. 364 - 360 = 4 and here another example of 4 (= 260 - 256) appears. 8 periods with 32 days of 'summer growth' is not impossible to imagine, half the number of squares on a chess board (symbolizing the fields upon which agricultural man is working). And 16 (Jupiter) is the number of the last 'station' if we count to 14 * 29.5 = 472.