7. We will have trouble also in another direction. We are not used to read signs. We have an alphabet, which is quite another thing. We are not trained for the attention needed in order to be able to read signs. It cannot be done automatically, as when we read our own texts.

What we are even less aware of is that our culture is no longer cultural at all. We are buried under information cascades of all kinds. There is no single tune to listen to. There is no common ground of reference, it is all chaotic. No order.

"It is not so much the enormous number of new facts established by scientists in the many centuries between antiquity and the 20th century which separates us from the outlook of our great scientific ancestors but the 'deteriorated' expectations ruling our time ..." (Hamlet's Mill)

For a system of signs to be effective there must be order. When we listen attentively, yes even without much attention, and suddenly a note is played wrong we immediately will hear it. There is order in music.

The rongorongo texts have this kind of order. There is harmony and beauty. But such are not objective external 'facts', they are in the eyes of the beholder.


8. This dictionary will deal with both signs and Signs, and of necessity we must also learn as much of the order as we can. Otherwise we will not be able to discern between signs and Signs.