1. I have already stated that the text is beginning at bottom left and running to the right. How do I know that? For one thing, it is in some instances possible to see that the sequence of glyphs at the end of the line continues in the next line:

Ca7-25 Ca7-26 Ca7-27 Ca7-28 Ca7-29
Ca7-30 Ca7-31 Ca8-1 Ca8-2 Ca8-3

For the sake of convenience I will not show the glyphs in the lines with even numbers upside down.

Ca7-31 is the last glyph of the line, located at the extreme right. Ca8-1 is the glyph immediately above, while Ca8-2 is above Ca7-30 etc. All glyphs on line a8 are upside down for someone who is seeing the glyphs on line a7 'standing on their feet'.

The text is a part of the so-called 'moon calendar' on the Mamari tablet. The glyphs Ca7-30 -- Ca8-3 refer to 5 of the nights in the month and each night is represented by a moon crescent.