On side b one of the hahe glyphs possibly simultaneously refers to 8 * 29.5 = 236 days and to the approximate measure 99 months for the Venus cycle (2920 = 8 * 365 days):
This idea is based on counting 2 glyphs per day beyond Aa8-5. (80 + 118) / 2 = 99 and 235 = (80 + 118 + 272) / 2. If we instead count from Ab1-1 with 1 glyph per day, the first hahe glyph will be at 4 * 29.5 = day 118 while the second would have its place well beyond the end of high summer:
But we would have to move even further ahead in order to reach kara etahi. Maybe 408 glyphs from manu kake to find the cardinal point which kara etahi presumably is attatched to:
With 2 glyphs per day and beginning to count from Aa8-6, the day numbers would instead be:
Alternatively we can count from Ab2-41: