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If 243 nights is a standard for the distance between rau hei and rebirth, then we should investigate where we arrive if we move 243 glyphs ahead from the pair of rau hei glyphs towards the close of the henua periods:

Ga6-21 Ga6-22 Ga6-23
Ga6-24 Ga6-25 (166) Ga6-26

Their ordinal numbers once again are -22 and -25, which hardly is a coincidence. For Ga6-25 the ordinal number is 166 (counted from Gb8-30), and from winter solstice the number of days is 64 + 166 = 230, equal to the number of glyphs on side a - if we begin counting from Gb8-30.

If we instead count from Ga1-1, we once again reach 229 (= the distance from tao in Ga1-25 to rau hei in Ga1-25):

242 228
Ga6-25 (166) Gb6-26 (409)
Gb1-25 (255) Ga1-25 (26 + 472 = 498)