71 is an odd prime number, and equal to 70 plus 1. It is therefore easy to associate 71 with other odd prime numbers with a final 1. 11, for instance, means 'one more' (than what can be counted on the fingers). 31 is one more than what is determined by 360 / 12. And 61 is one more than a solar double-month. And so on. 70 (which 71 is one more than) is used in the henua calendar in G. There it possibly indicates 10 * 7, as a 'grander' kind of week:
Earlier we have not reacted when finding 71, but a quick search reveals its presence at key glyphs, for instance at the exceptional manu kake with threadlike 'necks':
Possibly 4-71 should be read as 400 + 71 = 471. Another - probably significant - example is vae in Aa5-71, where we can read 5 * 71 = 355 = one more than 12 * 29.5:
Then we have the famous 'beast' at Aa6-66 (where 6 * 66 = 396, very close to 400), followed 4 glyphs later by a mago with curious signs:
Aa6-71 is one glyph further on. 6 * 71 = 426 = 17 * 25 + 1. At Aa4-71 vae kore defines the beginning of a sequence of 290 glyphs, and it comes 1 glyph beyond the 'spreading out' hau tea in Aa4-70 (where 4 * 70 = 280 = 10 * 28):
Other examples could also have been cited, but it would presumably not have added anything significant. 71 can be read as 'one more'. |