271 is an odd prime number, and equal to 471 (the number of glyphs on the G tablet) minus 200. 71 is one less than 72 (as in 360 / 5 and in twice 36). Maybe, therefore, we should intepret 271 as 200 + 71, which means 471 maybe should be read as 400 + 71. 400 is one of the measures for the year, e.g. found in the number of glyphs on the tablets of A and H:
On the small Keiti tablet there is room for only half 400, and half 400 is found also at a signicant location in G:
Furthermore, the kuhane station Tama (as in tamaiti, child) appears to be connected with the end of the 400-day year, and possibly the name Tama alludes to the new year baby:
14 * 29.5 = 413, and 14 * 28.5 = 399. In H, we have seen, there is a manu kake at glyph number 400:
Several other examples could be quoted, but the point has already been made: 400 probably is one of the measures for a full cycle. To return to the number of glyphs on the G tablet, we have earlier found 471 to be related to 314 (100π) by way of the formula 471 / 3 = 471 - 314 = 157 (a prime number). In other words: 471 = 150 % of 314. |