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tahana The readings of Metoro do not provide any firm foundation for naming this glyph type tahana, he mentioned it only once. Nor are there enough glyphs catalogized by me under this glyph type to give much help.
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A few preliminary remarks and imaginations:

1. While classifying glyphs according to GD types, I found it necessary to refer from GD61 (tahana) to similar shapes in GD64 (rau hei) and in GD68 (ika hiku):

rau hei tahana ika hiku

The reason is that the top part of the glyphs share the common trait of being bifurcated.

A rau hei glyph looks like a fish with head down, and probably the meaning is a hanging victim ('fish', ika). Also ika hiku (tail fish) seems to depict some sort of 'fish'. Possibly, therefore, also tahana is a kind of fish.