I cannot find the word tahana, but taha and na exist:


To lean; to go down (of the sun in the evening).  Taha-taha. 1. Side, edge; shore: taha-taha tai. 2. To move from side to side (of a boat), to swing. Vanaga.

1. To bend, sloping, to go hither and thither, to evade; ki taha, near; taha ke, to go in different directions; tahataha, frontier, horizon; hiriga tahataha, to cross, to go across; hakataha, to divert, to turn away, to go aside, to be on one side, to dodge, to shun, oblique, to incline the head, to turn over on another side, to avoid, to subject; mata hakataha, to consider; tae hakataha, immovable. 2. To tear. PS Mgv.: tahataha, to cut into pieces. Sa., To., Fu.: tafa, to cut, to gash. Viti: tava, id. Churchill.

Moe tahae, to be a light sleeper. Tahatai (taha 1 - tai), littoral, coast, shore; tahatahatai, coast. Churchill.


Adverb: without any particular reason, just like that. Vanaga.

1. Only, solely, alone, wholly, without stopping, always, quite, a sort of superlative; noho tahaga, bachelor, keukeu tahaga, to go without stopping; topa tahaga, quite unexpected; puoa tahaga, always clad; nui tahaga, to superabound; tatagi tahaga, inconsolable; roaroa tahaga, middle finger (the longest); tahaga no mai, a more positively superlative statement. P Mgv.: tahaga, only, alone, solely. Mq.: tahakahaka, stripped of brushwood. 2. Irascible; tuhi tahaga, to accuse, to calumniate. 3. (taha 2) A sacrifice. Churchill.

Pau. Tahaga, indecent. Ta.: tahaa, naked. Mq.: tahanahana, cleared, uncovered. Ma.: tahaga, naked. Tahaki, the side. Sa.: tafa'i, one side. Ma.: tahaki, one side. Mgv.: Tahaki, a man with red hair and florid skin. Mq.: tahaki, red. Ta.: Tahavahava, dirty, soiled. Ma.: tahawahawa, to defile, to pollute. Churchill.


, here; ná ku-tomo-á te miro, the boat has arrived here. Vanaga.

1. When, as soon as (ga). Mgv.: na, because, seeing that, whereas. 2. The, that, some, any, certain (ga); pei na, thus, like that. P Mq.: na, the (plural). Ta.: na, id. 3. Of. P Pau.: na, of, belonging to. Mgv.: na, of, by, on account of. Mq.: na, of, by, for, on the part of.Ta.: na, of, by, for. 4. ? possessive; na mea, to belong to (? his thing). Mgv.: na, him, of him, to him. Ta.: na, he, his, him. 5. (ana 2); i muri oo na, to accompany. Churchill.

It is also possible to divide tahana into ta-hana or into ta-ha-na:

OR. Write, writing. The name of writing before the term rongorongo in 1871 became current. Fischer.

1. To tattoo ( = tatú), to tattoo pictures on the skin, also: he-tá ite kona, tá-kona. 2. To weave (a net): he-tá i te kupega. 3. To shake something, moving it violently up and down and from one side to the other; he-tá e te tokerau i te maga miro, the wind shakes the branches of the trees; also in the iterative form: e-tá-tá-ana e te tokerau i te tôa, the wind continuously shakes the leaves of the sugarcane. 4. To pull something up suddenly, for instance, an eel just caught, dropping it at once on a stone and killing it: he-tá i te koreha. Tá-tá-vena-vena, ancient witching formula. Vanaga.

1. Of. 2. This, which. 3. Primarily to strike: to sacrifice, to tattoo, to insert, to imprint, to write, to draw, to copy, to design, to color, to paint, to plaster, to note, to inscribe, to record, to describe, number, letter, figure, relation; ta hakatitika, treaty; ta igoa, sign; ta ki, secretary; ta kona, to tattoo; ta vanaga, secretary. Churchill.

... the root ta through its long series of known combinations carries a strongly featured sense of action that is peripheral, centrifugal, and there seems to be at least a suspicion of the further connotation that the action is exerted downward ... The secondary sense of cutting will easily be seen to be a striking with a specialized implement, and we find this sense stated without recognition of the primal striking sense only in Mangareva, Nukuoro, Viti, and Malekula. In Indonesia this secondary sense is predominant, although Malagasy ta may come somewhat close to the striking idea ... Churchill 2.


1. Four. 2. To breathe. Hakaha'a, to flay, to skin. Vanaga.

1. Four. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ha, id. 2. To yawn, to gape. 3. To heat. 4. Hakaha, to skin, to flay; unahi hakaha, to scale fish. Mgv.: akaha, to take to pieces, to take off the bark or skin, to strip the leaves off sugarcane. 5. Mgv: ha, sacred, prohibited. Mq.: a, a sacred spot. Sa.: sa, id.  Churchill.


Warmth, heat, suffocation (mahana). Churchill.

Ta.: Hanahana, splendid, illustrious, glory. Ma.: hana, so shine, to glow. Churchill.

Mq.: Hanamana, miracle, a wonder. Ha.: hanamana, id. Churchill.