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The season of winter solstice of course must include mauga glyphs. In P we can observe a gradual development in how mauga are designed:

Pb2-16 Pb2-17 Pb2-18 Pb2-19 Pb2-20 Pb2-21 Pb2-22
Pb2-23 Pb2-24 Pb2-25 Pb2-26 Pb2-27 Pb2-28 Pb2-29
Pb2-30 Pb2-31 Pb2-32 Pb2-33 Pb2-34

From a form in Pb2-26 which seems to illustrate how darkness has arrived as a forewarning 'spirit' the real thing arrives in Pb2-27.

In Pb2-34, a new phase has developed, with two 'eyes' and a 'spectral' sign at the bottom end (incompletely drawn perimeter) - the darkest period is over, mauga is once again just a 'spirit' (now a lingering one).

... at the time of the winter solstice the wise men of yore would say 'The Sun is returning to land to dwell with the Summer Maid ...

The parallel text in Q can be used to corroborate the interpretation given above.