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I have suggested the rongorongo texts primarily are lists for the prominent stars arranged in parallel with the days according to the Gregorian calendar structure. Furthermore, the creators of these texts would easily have been able to extrapolate back in time to the Golden Age of the Bull (and to other important places at the back, or a-head, in precessional timespace) - to the places where these stars once upon a time had been aligned, or would be.

... Space and time are a single, related concept in Runasimi [the language of the Inca people], represented by one word, pacha, which can also mean 'world' and 'universe'. The image of time familiar to Waman Puma was static and spatial: one could travel in time as one travels over earth - the structure, the geography, remaining unchanged. To him it does not matter that he shows Inka Wayna Qhapaq, who died in 1525, talking to Spaniards who did not arrive until 1532. Wayna Qhapaq was the last Inca to rule an undivided empire: he is therefore the archetype, and it must be he who asks the Spaniards. 'Do you eat gold?' ...

However, in order to facilitate for us we have to stay calm and focus on essentials. Therefore I will simplify as follows below - for the moment ignoring the positions of the Sun. But we have to connect to the last part of side a:

Ba10-29 Ba10-30 (→ 320) Ba10-31 (420 = 6 * 70) Ba10-32 (→ 320)
ma te maitaki koia ra kua hoki to rarahoi kua tu ki to toga Etagata itiiti

Rara. Mgv.: a branch of a tree. Ta.: rara, id. Mq.: rara, small branches. Sa.: lala, id. Ma.: rara, id. Churchill.

Toga. 1. Winter season. Two seasons used to be distinguished in ancient times: hora, summer, and toga, winter. 2. To lean against somehing; to hold something fast; support, post supporting the roof. 3. To throw something with a sudden movement. 4. To feed oneself, to eat enough; e-toga koe ana oho ki te aga, eat well first when you go to work. Vanaga. 1. Winter. P Pau., Mgv.: toga, south. Mq.: tuatoka, east wind. Ta.: toa, south. 2. Column, prop; togatoga, prop, stay. Togariki, northeast wind. Churchill. Wooden platform for a dead chief: ka tuu i te toga (Bb8-42), when the wooden platform has been erected. Barthel 2. The expressions Tonga, Kona, Toa (Sam., Haw., Tah.), to indicate the quarter of an island or of the wind, between the south and west, and Tokelau, Toerau, Koolau (Sam., Haw., Tah.), to indicate the opposite directions from north to east - expressions universal throughout Polynesia, and but little modified by subsequent local circumstances - point strongly to a former habitat in lands where the regular monsoons prevailed. Etymologically 'Tonga', 'Kona', contracted from 'To-anga' or 'Ko-ana', signifies 'the setting', seil. of the sun. 'Toke-lau', of which the other forms are merely dialectical variations, signifies 'the cold, chilly sea'. Fornander.

MAY 23 24 (12 * 12) 25 (290 / 2) 26

OKUL = π Capricorni (309.6), BOS = ρ Capricorni (309.9)

ARNEB (α Leporis)

MINTAKA (δ Orionis)

ο Capricorni (310.2), θ Cephei (310.5)

HEKA (λ Orionis)

ALNILAM (ε Orionis)

ROTTEN MELON = ε Delphini, φ Pavonis (311.2), η Delphini (311.4), ζ Delphini, ρ Pavonis (311.7)

PHAKT (α Columbae)

ALNILAK (ζ Orionis)

*270.0 = *311.4 - *41.4

ROTANEV = β Delphini, ι Delphini (312.3), τ Capricorni (312.6), κ Delphini (312.7), SVALOCIN = α Delphini, υ Capricorni, υ Pavonis (312.8)
Jan 24 25 (390) 26 (420 - 29) 27
NOV 21 22 (326) 23 24
Bb1-1 (422) Bb1-2 Bb1-3 (155 + 270) Bb1-5 Bb1-6 Bb1-7
μ², μ¹ Oct. (313.2), DENEB CYGNI (Tail of the Swan) = α Cygni (313.5), β Pavonis (313.6), δ Delphini (313.8)

Al Sa’d al Bula'-21 (Good Fortune of the Swallower) / Dhanishta-24 (Most Famous) / Girl-10 (Bat)

YUE (Battle-Axe) = ψ Capricorni (314.3), GIENAH CYGNI = ε Cygni, η Cephei (314.5), γ Delphini (314.6), σ Pavonis (314.7), ALBALI = ε Aquarii (314.8)

BETELGEUZE (α Orionis)
BATEN ALGIEDI (Belly of the Goat) = ω Capricorni (315.8) μ Aquarii (316.0) ε Equulei (317.8) No star listed (318) 21h (319.6)

ARMUS = η Capricorni (319.0), DORSUM = θ Capricorni (319.3), TSOO = 24 Capricorni (319.7)

Jan 28 29 30 31 (365 + 31) Febr 1 (40) 2 3
NOV 25 26 27 28 (396 - 64) 29 (333) 30 DEC 1
Bb1-8 (429) Bb1-9 Bb1-10 Bb1-11 (4 * 108) Bb1-12 Bb1-13 (15 * 29)
DRAMASA = σ Oct., χ Capricorni (320.0), ν Aquarii (320.3), γ Equulei (320.6), ο Pavonis (320.8) α Oct. (321.5), δ Equulei (321.7), φ Capricorni (321.8) KITALPHA (Part of a Horse) = α Equulei (322.0), ALDERAMIN (The Right Arm) = α Cephei (322.9) DAI = ι Capricorni (323.5), β Equulei (323.8) γ Pavonis (324.1), YAN = ζ Capricorni (324.6)

Al Sa'd al Su'ud-22 (Luckiest of the Lucky) / Emptiness-11 (Rat)

TSIN = 36 Capricorni (325.2), ALPHIRK (The Flock) = β Cephei (325.7), SADALSUD = β Aquarii, ξ Gruis (325.9)
No star listed (326)
Febr 4 (400) 5 (365 + 36) 6 7 (432 - 29) 8 (*324) 9 (40) 10
DEC 2 (4 * 84) 3 (337) 4 (402 - 64) 5 6 (324 + 16) 7 (40 + 301) 8 (18 * 19)
Bb1-15 (436) Bb1-16 Bb1-17 → 4 * 29½ Bb1-19 Bb1-20 Bb1-21

CASTRA = ε Capricorni (327.2), BUNDA = ξ Aquarii (327.5)

SIRIUS (α Canis Majoris)

Mahar sha hi-na Shahū-26 (Western One in the Tail of the Goat)

NASHIRA = γ Capricorni (328.0), ν Oct. (328.3),  AZELFAFAGE = π¹ Cygni, κ Capricorni (328.7)

Arkat sha hi-na Shahū-27 (Eastern One in the Tail of the Goat)

ENIF (The Nose) = ε Pegasi, ERAKIS = μ Cephei (329.2), 46 CAPRICORNI, JIH (the Sun) = κ Pegasi (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4), λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), DENEB ALGIEDI =  δ Capricorni (329.8)

*288.0 = *329.4 - *41.4
θ Piscis Austrini (330.1), λ Oct. (330.7)

KUH (Weeping) = μ Capricorni (331.4), γ Gruis (331.5)

*290.0 = *331.4 - *41.4
No star listed (300 + 32)

η Piscis Austrini (333.4)

*292.0 = *333.4 - *41.4
Febr 11 12 (437 - 29) 13 (*329) 14 15 16 (412) 17 (*333)
9 (7 * 7 * 7) DEC 10 (344) 11 12 13 14 (348) 15
Bb1-22 (443) Bb1-23 Bb1-24 → 5 * 5 * 5 Bb1-26 Bb1-27 Bb1-28 (449)

22h (334.8)

KAE UH (Roof) = ο Aquarii (334.0), AL KURHAH (White Spot) = ξ Cephei (334.4), SADALMELIK (Lucky King) = α Aquarii, AL DHANAB (The Tail) = λ Gruis (334.6), ι Aquarii, ν Pegasi (334.7)

*293.0 = *334.4 - *41.4
ι Pegasi (335.0), ALNAIR (The Bright One) = α Gruis (335.1), μ Piscis Austrini, υ Piscis Austrini (335.3), WOO (Pestle) = π Pegasi (335.7), BAHAM = θ Pegasi (Good Luck of the Two Beasts), τ Piscis Austrini (335.8) ζ Cephei (336.2), λ Cephei (336.3), -/270 Lac. (336.7), λ Piscis Austrini (336.8)

μ Gruis (337.0), ε Cephei (337.2), 1/325 Lac. (337.3), ANCHA (Hip) = θ Aquarii (337.4), ψ Oct. (337.5), α Tucanae (337.9)

*296.0 = *337.4 - *41.4

Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah-23 (Lucky Star of Hidden Things) / Shatabisha-25 (Comprising a Hundred Physicians)

 ε Oct. (338.1), ρ Aquarii (338.2), 2/365 Lac. (338.5), SADACHBIA = γ Aquarii (338.6), π Gruis (338.9)

β/172 Lac. (339.2), 4/1100 Lac. (339.4), π Aquarii (339.5)

*298.0 = *339.4 - *41.4

CASTOR (α Gemini)

δ Tucanae (340.1), ρ Cephei (340.2),  ν Gruis (340.3), ζ Aquarii, δ Gruis (340.4), 5/1100 Lac. (340.7), σ Aquarii, 6/650 Lac. (340.9)

*299.0 = *340.4 - *41.4

PROCYON (α Canis Minoris)

... Horapollo, the grammarian of Alexandria, about AD 400, tells us that the crane was the symbol of a star-observer in Egypt ... Grus has as an alternative name Flamingo (a name which sounds quite similar to that of the bird Phoenix) which obviously is based on 'flame'. Phoenicopterus (the Flamingo) is characterized by its red feathers. Wikipedia: ... from Greek φοινικόπτερος meaning 'purple wing'. Purple is the colour for kings and 'phoenix' should therefore mean 'purple, the colour of the king' ...

Febr 18 (414) 19 20 (*336) 21 22 (447 - 29) 23 24 (420)
DEC 16 (350) 17 18 19 20 21 (355) 22 (420 - 64)
421 + 29 = 450 Bb1-30 Bb1-31 Bb2-1 (32)
υ Oct. (341.0), α/91 Lac. (341.1), HOMAN (Hero) = ζ Pegasi, β Piscis Austrini (341.2), ν Tucanae (341.5), υ Aquarii (341.9) η Aquarii (342.1), σ Gruis (342.4), SITULA (Water-jar) = κ Aquarii (342.7)

*301.0 = *342.4 - *41.4

ε Piscis Austrini (343.5), ο Pegasi, β Gruis (343.8) ρ Gruis (344.0), MATAR (Rain) = η Pegasi (344.2), η Gruis (344.6), β Oct. (344.7)
Febr 25 (421) 26 (451 - 29) 27 28 (360 + 64)
DEC 23 X-MAS EVE 25 26 (360)

421 = number of glyphs on side a of the tablet.

422 = 396 + 26.

423 = 4 * 91 + 2 * 29½.

424 = 392 + 32 = 364 + 28 + 32 = 364 + 60 = 365 + 59.